Category: Music
December 18? I'll take it
Warning… adult content.
Strange blog-spam problem
Movable Type is doing something bizarre here. I’ve got this entry, Blogging a yoga conference @ Radio Free Blogistan and it shows 19 spam comments in the counter and on the individual archive page. The spam comments are also showing up in my list of recent comments in the sidebar of RFB. Ironically, they’ve all…
Fest Lives!
I’m not sure bigger is always better, but I’m glad to hear that Festival Productions is committed to making Jazz Fest happen on schedule next year: Planners promise bigger Jazzfest We may need to get our plane tickets soon!
A novel a day keeps the doctor away
So far, so good. B and I went away for the weekend to celebrate my birthday but I’ve posted two installments of my daily NaNoWriMo effort today to make up for it. There’s a lot to be said for writing fast without fear or favor.
Happy NaNoWriMo
I took the plunge this year and signed up for National Novel Writing Month. I’ll be “doing it” over at A Supposedly Staggering Infinite Work of Heartbreaking Illumination I’ll Never Read. I also have a profile page over at the nanowrimo site. The novel I’m working on is called For You, The Stars Wish me…
Eight years before the blog
One thing about starting my first online journal on my birthday back in 1997 is it makes it pretty easy to keep my blogiversary straight.