Category: Music

  • Tweney on a mass-amateurization precedent (from my comments)

    Seems like today is all about followups and conversations among blogs. (For example, Mark Byron noticed my unfisking yesterday and wrote about it in his blog. My response to his response to my response to his original post can be found in his comments.) So I wanted to elevate an interesting thread from my comments.…

  • 'We only fisk the stoopid ones'

    Minnesota columnist James Lileks is a charming writer, if a little flashy (like the guitar soloist who uses volume and speed to get the inevitable cheer from the audience), who understands the web medium mighty well. As I study warblog jargon, I’m fairly confident that his interleaved, point-for-point refutation of a speech by Senator Paul…

  • WebCollage: Exterminate All Rational Thought

    WebCollage: Exterminate All Rational Thought

  • And in the darkness bind them

    Allow me to acquaint you with this moment’s meme: (via plasticbag)

  • 'Who is our enemy' meme crosses to email

    An old philosophy buddy of mine sent me this e-mail message this morning, with the subject “Help me before I get hawkish”: Despite some fatuous chest-thumping about the greatness of American culture herein, I find this indictment of Arab/Islamist culture hard to argue with, along with the claims about possible Arab responses to the situation.…

  • Yahoo teams up with SBC

    Read in the Times today that Yahoo and SBC are teaming up to offer a DSL service and compete with AOL, MSN, and EarthLink. Also saw an ad on TV last night advertising a $29.95 (I think) monthly rate to sign up for SBC/Yahoo DSL. Well, I already have SBC DSL and I’m paying $20…

  • News aggregator problems with forms

    Since Jrobb and dws and others have posted their form code, the strange decoding, unencoding, recoding behaviors of the Radio RSS Aggregator appear to have rendered my Delete button inoperable. Or is this just me?

  • Salon rankings

    Well, the race is on. Will I catch up to the (on vacation) Plan B blognovel to become the number two all-time Salon blog after Scott? Or will the Cowgirl lap me before I make it? For all I know I may have plateaued (that can’t be the right spelling) already. It’s embarassing to be…

  • Radio driving me nuts today

    I can’t figure out what’s wrong, but when I look at the home page all I see is the first-draft-with-typo version of my first entry of the day and nothing since. They Events Log appears to show regular uploads and my local versions of the pages are up-to-date, so I don’t know what the problem…

  • Blogging at 56K

    Arrived JFK last night around 11:20. Cab to the village, a little late night conversation, and then sleep. Now it’s just after 10:30 a.m. east coast time, so about 7:30 to my west-coast head. Soon I’ll go out in search of coffee and a newspaper. In the meantime, I couldn’t resist connecting over my host’s…

  • Ouch

    This is still sinking in: If we had put the capital we raised into Treasury bills, we’d have had $1.5 million a year in income, with which we could’ve employed and published our best dozen reporter-commentators forever. Idea for essay: How Writers Blew It During the Dotcom Bubble.

  • Ego is Latin for I

    I seem to be breaking a cardinal rule of starting a lot of sentences and paragraph with the word I and using the I-word frequently throughout my posts. I lost count of the number of times I used the word I in the previous entry. I seem to remember reading somewhere that overuse of the…

  • Cultivate Interactive Issue 5: A Vision of Improvements

    Onward toward the semantic web! Here’s an article proposing methods to make the Web more structured and more personalized. Any article that includes the concept of meta-meta-services is all right by me, even when the author’s first name isn’t Christian. Here’s the tip of the iceberg: Users (other than the author) and groups of users…

  • Tracking and Graphing Memes demonstrates how to use Google’s Usenet archive to track memes, in this case, the “All Your Base’”meme. This is precisely what I intended to do with I think the phrase I first wanted to plot this way was “six degrees of Kevin Bacon.” Here’s the tricky thing: not all memes equate to phrases.…

  • Memetics Experiment

    It’s a dirty job but somebody has to do it. A memetics experiment — pass it along. Life in the Aggregator. An Experiment: Life in the Aggregator. How far can it travel?  Please play by passing it along, including all source links… [] I’m willing to play [McGee’s Musings] There we go. [via Seb’s Open…

  • Beginning of the End for Gopher?

    Following a link from Q Daily News (I’m still exploring links that turned up from checking out the UC Berkeley J-School IP Weblog Class syllabus mentioned in an entry yesterday), I found this copy of developer’s notes for Internet Explorer 6 SP 1, including the nonchalant mention that they are effectively abandoning the Gopher protocol:…

  • Radio Question: Recently Updated Notification

    A reader I’ve been discussing blog page-design with asks me: Got one more query for you if you don’t mind. For some reason, my page is no longer showing up on the “Updated Weblogs” page, although it does show up on referrals and rankings. I’ve been tuning a bit and it’s possible I deleted something…

  • Continued Category Chaos

    Well, per my last entry, the fix listed fixed some problems but the category/navigator links still look messed up. Again this seems to have to do with when things are re-rendered. Frustrating…. Apologies for the design inconsistencies as I try to resolve these technical difficulties. In other news, I just opened a Café Press store…

  • Everything Burns's Memetracking 'Zeitgeist' Page

    I love the way this page illustrates numbers-of-hits as font size! The search terms are great too. I have to ask him how he does it.

  • Losing My Background Image

    That’s me in the corner… Uh, somehow Radio streamed my home template in a way that changed the syntax of the body style declaration. It added an <a href etc. around the url, the way you would turn a raw address into a link, but not in my template! Any idea why this is happening and…

  • The questions Jeeves is answering right now

    Where “right now’” is defined as a 30-second envelope around the time I posted this: Where can I buy Amish products online? Where can I learn about the sexual practice oral sex? Where can I find a map of the state California? Where can I find tour information for the band or musician Eminem? Where…