Category: bodega

  • chance the gardener

    spring must be on its way. my friend sarah sent me photos of her new garden in austin. i am a confirmed nongardener, though i love to lie in my hammock in our backyard, and i love to watch the garden evolve. sure, i’m good for some heavy lifting and occasionally forking over of the…

  • notlob

    from philm phreax: At two minutes past eight on Wednesday evening the time will be the palindromic 20:02. 20.02.2002. ~philmmlihp~ — ‘Not another fucking elf!’ C.S. Lewis, while half way through reading the first draft of his friend Tolkien’s book Lord Of The Rings.

  • back from albuquerque

    yup, the internet connection bit. could barely keep connected, let alone multitask. probably just as well. it was great (or should i say ‘grate’?) to get together with a bunch of other academics, scholars, and thinkers and present papers and panels on the Dead, the Acid Tests, psychedelia and psychedelics, and so on. Heard some…

  • off to albuquerque

    not sure what kind of connection i’ll have in new mexico, but by 4 pm today i’ll be yakking about an album that came out 34 years ago to whichever earlybird stragglers make it to the first panel of the sequence. just printed my transparencies at kinko’s late yesterday. they’ve got the web interface down…

  • file under "mediajunkie"

    from my friend mitchgo: if you wonder where the fbi gets their razor-sharp incisive info from, and why they issued a terror alert late last night, here’s a great quote from a news story explaining the source: “We know that a guy said that he talked to a guy who talked to a guy who…

  • pushing the cryptical envelope

    in my spare time (that’s a joke, son), i’ve been pulling together a paper for an academic conference in Albuquerque this weekend, the Southwest/Texas Popular Cultural Association. not to be confused with SXSW, something i should probably be doing instead this year, but i think b would kill me if i went to conferences in…

  • back of an envelope

    been meaning to scan this sketch of a church in oakland for probably almost two years now: something about it being quick-and-dirty and clearly on the “wrong” medium and yet somehow still capturing a sense of the stonework…

  • physical clutter, the joys of clearing

    wow! did one of those regressive thingies where you realize that doing some big put off things will make life so much more pleasant that doing the necessary things will be fun. the old “there’s no time to do that now” is what made the mess in the first place. this phenomenon does not merely…

  • flushing todos

  • monitor heal thyself

    strange: much like a nasty bruise i took on my back ribs a few summers back, which at first filled in an entire football-shaped oval with dark red of fresh blood but later receded to the livid autumn green-y golds and browns around the edges, my monitor has partly reclaimed some of the ruined area…

  • finally realized who cheney reminds me of

    igor (or possibely eyegor from young frankenstein). that would make george w the patched-together golem?

  • waterday, february 8, 2002

    ran out of my best favorite pens systems crack-crashing all around me

  • more than my share

    that’s all i ever wanted

  • february of my soul

    seems like there’s no way around a difficult beginning to this year. with both my time and b’s oversubscribed (i’m doing a book on top of my regular workload, and b’s job requires that she attend evening and weekend community meetings – for example three times this week!), not to mention my travel to two…

  • note from a friend in northern iraq

    this friend of mine who met me through the arabic translation of my “abc’s of the internet” book, made me blush in a recent message: “Thanks for your compliments, but I guess I’m the one who learns from you always, I can’t forget that you were the first person I met on the internet and…

  • codeto ergo sum

    wanna watch and hear me pontificate on the state of the computer book industry?”. The link is to a “wrap-up” panel I sat on this past Saturday.

  • here comes the sun, doot-en, doot-en

    finally got back on the yoga tip today. what a difference! it helps not to be shedding white blood cells like drunken soldiers. still in the vise but feeling much more creative. is there any good webcam software (automation of upload, templates?) that doesn’t tie you into a paid hosting service, like the stuff that…

  • another straw for the camel's back

    in my haste to get through security yesterday i stuck my powerbook in the outside pocket of the baggage i was checking onto southwest. danielle asked me if that wasn’t risking damage to the computer but i’d transported it that way before and didn’t worry about it. sure enough, the screen was somehow cracked and…

  • too tired to unpack

    got home sunday and could barely cope at all, needed a nap, had no appetite, couldn’t do the work i planned to do, slept fitfully, overslept my therapy this morning. great way to start off the week. the cold’s almost gone but not quite. need to reignite my exercise routine. gonna be a busy february.…

  • Watchword Press reading, 2/13/2, San Francisco

    Two invitations… We invite you to check out an article written by Rosie Levy for about Watchword Press and To-Do List Magazine (our wonderful officemate… they’re also about to release their third issue, which focuses on Self-Loathing!). Also… Watchword Press would like to invite you to a reading and party to celebrate the release…

  • Stuck Inside of Hotel with the Laryngitis Blues Again

    Well, I don’t feel that crappy but this dang cold has become a near case of laryngitis, with my voice getting weaker and more cracked all the time. Perfect time to be attending a conference. By Saturday, when I’m speaking on the wrap-up panel, I hope I can do more than croak. And it’s even…