Category: Paleoblogs
Bush’s legacy: The Cheney Administration
I think it’s clear now with the conviction of “Cheney’s Cheney” aka Scooter Libby that the Vice President’s Wizard-of-Oz-like pulling of levers behind curtains is the mind behind the Oval Office, and that fat balding head floating over us all is saying, “We have to make America the best place in the world to do…
Open sourcing the patent process
This story (Open Call From the Patent Office – suggest that a breath of fresh air may be entering the patent-review process: The Patent and Trademark Office is starting a pilot project that will not only post patent applications on the Web and invite comments but also use a community rating system designed to…
Jail the Walter Read reporters!
Defense Secretary Sends Stern Message About Accountability WP, 3/3/07 DKo: Shouldn’t they investigate the reporters for divulging the Army’s methods and resources for protecting the wounded? Jail the Walter Read reporters! WP Article Edgewise Readers. I’m duplicating this to make Edgewise links show up in the WP pages for both of their stories. They display…
Jail the Walter Reed Reporters!
Army Secretary Ousted Second Firing Follows Walter Reed Revelations; Bush Vows a Probe, WP, 3/3/07 DKo: Shouldn’t they investigate the reporters for divulging the Army’s methods and resources for protecting the wounded? Jail the Walter Read reporters! WP Article
An Irresistible Reprise
In light of stories like this one, I can’t resist reprising part of an Edgewise post from 11/9/06. Of course, it’s still just a start, and this week’s zig can be next week’s zag. First, the current story: The White House Gets Neighborly in the Middle East, WP, 2/28/07 “On Jan. 11,…Rice…explain[ed] why ‘those who…
The Isolation of George W. Bush
[T]he neocons seem ready now to start acting unilaterally again [against Iran]….[A] grand bargain wouldn’t serve America’s purpose in the middle east…” DKo, 2/23/07 Well, there is “America’s purpose in the middle east,” and there are the neocons–increasingly two different animals. “America’s purpose,” (as defined by the ruling elites, and represented by the Iraq Study…
You Don’t Have to Be a Genius
Diplomats Seek Way to ‘Reengage’ Iran, WP, 2/27/07 Really? They’re not “seeking” very hard. Try this: 1. START TALKS, without preconditions. 2. If you can’t make a deal, STOP TALKS. The WP article
Will the US Attack Iran?
I think an attack on Iran has to be pre-opposed, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Sufficient in itself is the presence of American “hostage-troops” in Iraq. The vulnerable supply-lines from the south–and their personnel–would be ravaged by Iranians and Iraqi Shiites, including much of the Iraqi Army, cutting off the rest of…
No template for you!
U.S. holds out North Korea deal as model for Iran, Reuters …White House spokesman Tony Snow called the deal a “template…” But this is the precisely the template the US has refused! We talked with North Korea, both in the six-party talks and in bilateral meetings, without preconditions. We could start Iranian talks tomorrow morning,…
Serious Word Play
The specific wording of a widely reported statement by Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, following his recent meeting with Secretary Rice, might actually become significant at some point. “Olmert said any Palestinian government must accept the three conditions laid down by the ‘Quartet’ of Mideast mediators…” Previously, it was also Hamas itself that had to accept…
The Military Commissions–Worse than Just Procedures
Pentagon sets rules for terrorism suspect trials WASHINGTON (Reuters), 1/18/07 – The Pentagon on Thursday gave broad discretion to judges to decide what evidence may be presented against suspected…Taliban members facing trial in the new military commissions court system. DKo: So, suspected terrorists and suspected Taliban members may be regarded interchangeably. And, indeed, that is…
The FBI Effort to Drive Dr. King to Suicide
To me, this was the most disgusting part of the FBI’s campaign against Dr. Martin Luther King. It is pretty well known by now that the FBI had bugged King’s hotel rooms, and had recorded explicit sexual episodes. They used these tapes against him for years, and even played them for selected journalists. I heard…
Kurds Killing Arabs to Stabilize Iraq?
Anger Mounts Over Deployment of Kurdish Forces to Baghdad By Nidhal al-Laithi and Marsi abu Tareq Azzaman, Iraq, 1/7/07 Kurdish leaders have decided to deploy their own militias in the fighting now taking place in Baghdad….This will be the first time Kurdish armed groups will fight in Baghdad, and specifically against their co-religionists, Arab Sunnis.…
There are two sides to every question.
“Mortgage rates jump on strong labor market, inflation pressures “WASHINGTON (Reuters) 1/11/2007— Average interest rates on 30-year mortgages crept upward in the latest week to 6.21% from 6.18%, according to a survey by finance company Freddie Mac on Thursday.”
“I’ll give you these concessions, but then I’m going to shoot you.”
Three Bush Foreign-Policy Hypotheses I won’t undertake to substantiate these, just to offer them as hypotheses. 1. We (i.e., the Bush administration) are refusing talks with Syria and Iran, because we are afraid the talks would succeed. 2. We are afraid of the talks succeeding, because we’d have to renounce regime-change. (It is diplomatically untenable…
The Future Now
I love the headline up on right now: Doesn’t this look just like one of those fantasy headlines of some more perfect world? You know — the kind we daydream about while listening to Nancy Grace drone on about the latest unsolved horror…? This one could only be better if the headline made mention…
Farewell, Princess Winter Spring Summer Fall
I didn’t know Leslie Harpold very well. We corresponded briefly in the early pre-blog days of the web when I was doing Enterzone and she was Smug (and later Hoopla). Smug was everything I wanted ezone to be: beautifully designed, cleverly written, artistic. Leslie was always involved in all the coolest leading-edge web creative projects…
No Magic Bullet
Barak Obama is, among other things, a unique personal phenomenon, a political happenstance. And that is frightening in a way, because America is a country where, as with both of the Kennedys, you can kill an idea.
I’m not afraid to say it
“This documentary visits Ingmar Bergman, one of the 20th century’s greatest film directors…” Only the 20th century! I’m not afraid to say it–I think he was one of the greatest film directors of all time!
Catching up with NAN
Hey, I’m only a month late on congratulating Jay Rosen on the launch of NewAssignment.Net (“an experiment in open-source reporting”). My excuse is I was finishing a novel and working full time, but what about the blogs, Christian? And who will think of the children? Here’s some tidbits from Jay’s update of the time, which…
Splendid Isolation
“The administration also does not plan to alter its strategy of isolating adversaries Iran and Syria, despite mounting pressure…” —NYT, 12/1/06 DKo: We are very close to standing alone, as we isolate Iran, Syria and, in effect, the entire world.