Category: Blogosphere
Bill Quick's claim to fame a fraud?
No, you’re not the guy who named the blogosphere. Get over yourself. (Oh the things you learn when catch up with Kottke’s blog.)
MIT blog survey now four months overdue
Uh, fellas? … MIT Weblog Survey
MIT blog survey now three months overdue
What up, fellas? MIT Weblog Survey
MIT blog survey results now two months overdue
What’s up with the MIT Weblog Survey?
Verisign acquires the Weblogs.Com ping server
Confusingly, the news about Verisign buying from Dave Winer hit the wires at about the same time as the news about AOL buying the blog network (referred to in the Times simply as “Weblogs”) from Jason Calacanis. I hope this isn’t Bubble 2.0! Congratulations to Dave for finding a stable home for an…
MIT weblog survey results one month overdue
Come on, guys. I’ve been checking your site daily since September 1: The survey has officially ended, and we are tabulating the results. They should be posted by September 1, 2005, so please check back soon! Thank you for your support, and we will be posting the results shortly. MIT Weblog Survey Team August 19,…
So who's going to Blogher?
I have to check my schedule and my budget, but I’m sticking a link to the signup page for blogher here to remind myself to go, if at all possible.
Technorati's makeover goes live
Technorati has unveiled a much more end-user friendly front page. I don’t think I see the word “cosmos” anywhere! But the second most popular search is “Sifry”? Maybe they need to give Dave his own sandbox so he doesn’t keep skewing the result sets. I’m just keeding. I kid, I kid… because I love. Maybe…
Blog survey
The MIT Media Lab is conducting a weblog survey. You can read more about the survey and its methodology on their Information page. (via the Well)
Spam blogs taking over
TNH at Making Light analyzes One minute’s worth of weblogs I found because I’d gotten exasperated with Technorati and was looking for something more reliable. Which is not to say that I succeeded, because is a useless site. What it gives you is a single flat unadorned list of weblogs that’ve updated that…
Time to stop pinging
At least till we know who bought, I’m not sure I want to pinging them: has been sold to an unnamed individual and will transfer ownership, including account information and user data, sometime on or around June 13. is a directory of recently updated weblogs. It is “pinged” by virtually every public…
Assessing blog authority
Summarizing from How To Measure A Blogger’s Popularity And Reach: The Big Jump – Robin Good’ Sharewood Tidings: Check her Technorati standing. [F]ind out (not always possible, but you can also ask directly) how many subscribers the online publication has. Check whether the person makes her traffic statistics publicly viewable. Do some basic Google searches…
For all your Pope-blogging needs
What the world needs now is a Pope blog, and gratefully here it is: The Pope Blog: Pope Benedict XVI. As for myself, I have composed a little ditty to celebrate the occasion.
George Hotelling sees Gopher's shadow
My favorite April Fool’s site so far this morning (via Waxy Links)
Sifry's state of the blogosphere report
Part two talks about posting volume and the accompanying graphic (Sifry’s Alerts) illustrates some interesting spikes. Be sure to check out the entire series.
Harry Shearer guestblogging at TPM
Shearer’s turn on Talking Points Memo while Josh Marshall is off getting married will be a welcome relief from Dean-hater Chait (the most recent guest).
Bruce Sterling gets a new perspective on SXSW
Quoting from The Austin Chronicle: Screens: Get Visionary With Me Here, by Bruce Sterling, who is hosting the closing party once again, though not, this year, at his house: You know the way bloggers go ape when they discover a gay prostitute in the White House press corps? It’s just like that, except with beer.
Welcome, BlogCruiser readers
These days its hard to keep track of all the blogs on blogging out there. BlogCruiser is a weblog that reviews blogs. They recently checked us out and awarded us nine stars (BlogCruiser: Radio Free Blogistan). Thanks! Glad to hear the design is pleasant though I have some ideas for changing it. We have managed…
Move Over, Blog Herald
Blogosphere News seems to be doing a good job of covering the weblog beat (you know, the way we used to do here?).
xian's favorite blogs of 2004
OK, I took a crack at my current subscription list and started off by narrowing it down to 30 or so favorites split among several (sometimes semi-arbitrary) categories: Politics and Media: The Poor Man (feed) James Wolcott (feed) PressThink: Ghost of Democracy in the Media Machine, by Jay Rosen (feed) Fanatical Apathy (feed) Daily Kos:…