Category: Customizing

  • Subscribe to an email digest of RFB

    Bloglet is dead, long live FeedBlitz. I’m trying out a new email-subscription service on this blog. If it works right I’ll probably add it to all my blogs. It seems pretty straightforward. If you’re interested, scan down the sidebar for the section called “Subscribe to RFB” and submit your email address. Then let me know…

  • Huge improvement to Drupal's nav scheme

    Nick Lewis has unveiled a few tweaks to Drupal (which is also the basis for CivicSpace), which presents the navigation scheme as nested tabs across the top of the browser window instead of expanding and collapsing text links in a floating box in one of the margins. I’ll be adopting this improvement for all my…

  • "bookmark this" hack for del.ici.ous

    Quoting from bookmark this: I’ve added a little bit of code to add a “Bookmark This” link on every post, next to the Comments link, which allows you to kick the user over to to the posting page. There are two pieces to this little hack. First, you can link to with a…

  • Finally, a replacement for bloglet

    This is what I’ve been waiting for: Rmail – subscribe to any RSS feed by e-mail Reader John Tropea has pointed out a new RSS e-mail subscription service called Rmail. I’ve set it up at right to replace the dysfunctional Bloglet. When you enter your e-mail address in the box and click Subscribe, it will…

  • Alternatives to Bloglet

    I’ve long thought that blogs/RSS and email need to interoperate more smoothly. The problems generally revolve around text formatting issues, but there’s no good reason why one shouldn’t be able to get RSS via email easily, post to blogs via email easily, etc. In fact, Blogger offers both email input and output as a basic…

  • Scot Hacker's MTBlogMail plugin

    My friend Scot runs a hosting service at and I’ve got a little skunkworks operation over there at I’ve decided that I’m ging to use that domain name and server to begin with for my mailing list needs. I’ve got an list set up and soon I will offer a way for…