Category: Event blogging
Good analysis of convention blogging
Dan Bricklin has put together an insightful analysis of how “event blogging” works and has pulled together a pretty accurate view of what the bloggers have been experiencing and writing about, in What we learn from the Convention blogging. Reminder. I blog about blogging on this here metablog about blogging about blogging. I write about…
Blogger's convention post scroller
Jason Shellen dropped by the blogger area last night and showed me this experimental scroller showing political posts related to the convention: This version of the post scroller has been customized to track posts from the blogosphere about the Democratic National Convention.
The future of the Democratic Party
Barack Obama’s speech got more and more intense as he went along. Jerome Armstrong from My Due Diligence said at first he was worried that Obama might pull an ’88 Clinton and just meander on and bore people, but the energy built and built and by the end of the speech the convention hall was…
Blogging not being at the convention
Jim Allenspach of is giving us blow-by-blow coverage of what it’s like not to be blogging the convention: … I didn’t fly in yesterday on a hastily scheduled flight, after not receiving late word that my credentials were approved for the event. Already this morning, I’ve not gone to breakfast with Illinois senate candidate…
Howard Dean drinking game
It won’t be televised on the regular networks, but Howard Dean is scheduled to address the campaign delegates tonight. Here is a drinking game that is circulating among alumni of his wired campaign: Howard Dean Convention Speech Drinking Game 1 shot Any mention of the word idear Any mention of strong, strength, stronger Any bad…
My left hand
AP decided to run with an image of the bloggers’ vantage point down to the floor. That’s Tom Burka in the jacket, David Weinberger to his right and
Welcome Calpundit readers
All the cool dressed bloggers were behind me in the shot… BTW, new visitors, I’m doing most of my convention blogging over at The Power of Many.
Good soundbite from Carter
“the super-rich and their army of lobbyists in Washington.”
Heavy hitters
From left to right: Jay Rosen, David Weinberger, Matt Yglesias, Markos Moulitsas, Atrios, and Jerome Armstrong (at Henry Waxman’s progressive-oriented blogger breakfast this morning)
The convention was always going to be blogged
As I said to Scot Petersen, news editor of eWeek, even if the DNC hadn’t credentialed us bloggers this time around this convention nonetheless would have been blogged by the many delegate-bloggers who were planning to do so anyway. Danny Glover, managing editor of National Journal’s Technology Daily put together a list of official and…
The inevitable wifi complaint
We’re up in the nosebleeds in the Fleet Center all bitching about the flakey wifi. I’ve finally got my connection working (apparently), by making up a suitable IP number (and changing it when the DHCP server reassigns mine to someone else). At one of the two bloggers’ breakfasts I attended this morning there were cameramen…
Baseball as metaphor
Though I grew up in New York rooting for the Yankees, I found myself strangely pulling for the Bosox this evening. Kerry threw out the first ball (it bounced and the catcher missed it) and there were all kinds of Red Sox Fans for Kerry and similar signage being handed out. What with the Republican…
Access junkie
While waiting for my luggage to emerge at Logan I paid $7 or 8 to get the wifi access I’m using to post this relatively content-free entry. It’s only 4:15 California time, so I’d better sleep at some point today. There is a get-together for bloggers tonight in a bar but my friend has Yankees…
Is the convention just another conference, albeit a big one?
Dave Winer picked up on something I wrote on the convention bloggers mailing list, talking partly out of m’ass, imagining that I will probably end up blogging the convention the same way I’ll blog the BlogOn conference and the nonprofit conference in San Francisco next month and a Supernova or a Seybold or what have…
Advice for bloggers at the Dem convention
Anyone blogging the DNC, whether onsite or just watching the show on TV, would do well to read Jay Rosen’s analysis of the first two failed regimes of convention coverage (PressThink: Convention Coverage is a Failed Regime and Bloggers Have Their Credentials): Know your history, especially what happened to the first regime in convention coverage,…
and also
for the weblog for my forthcoming book