Category: Journalism

  • Newspaper publishes entire month of weblogging by Brian Dear

    I was half tempted to call Brian Dear by the name most journalists give him in their haste, Brian Storms, (because his blog is of course named brianstorms as a play on the word brainstorms) but I resisted the urge. That reminded me of when the band Brian Brain was playing somewhere like King Tut’s…

  • Kevin Drum blogs the LA blog panel

    One way to view Kevin Drum’s (still relatively) new gig blogging for The Washington Monthly is that they have turned over their front page to his old CalPundit persona. Another way of looking at it is that they bought up all the ad space around his blogging, becoming in effect his sole sponsor. Maybe we’re…

  • LA Press Club blog panel

    LA Voice has the scoop.

  • Blogger gets the final say

    I mentioned a week or so ago that my partner, Briggs Nisbet, was discovered by the story editor of the New York Times magazine on the basis of the garden-related weblog, True Dirt that she cowrites with Richard Frankel. We were visiting Rich and Martha over the weekend and Briggs flipped through the Sunday Magazine…

  • Bloggers as freelance ombudspeople

    Mark Glazer reports on the surprising responsiveness of some newspapers to corrections and complaints from webloggers in OJR article: To Their Surprise, Bloggers Are Force for Change in Big Media.

  • A cinderella story

    I’m in San Luis Obispo (SLO) this morning and we just bought up all the Sunday New York Timeses in town (well, not really). I’m posting from SLO Perk’s Internet terminals. I’ll tell the full story when I have more time and when it wouldn’t be so antisocial in the real world, but long story…

  • The genie's out of the bottle

    I’m blogging tonight’s Berkeley panel (by Jove, Paul Grabowicz has done it again!) over at The Power of Many and I’ve posted a bunch of my usual blurry photos as well.

  • Halley Suitt, Worthwhile blogmistress

    I missed this announcement until I saw a link to it from Susan Mernit’s Navigating the Info Jungle (that’s what I get for catching a cold and catching up on most blogs in one- or two-week chunks): Halley Suitt of the marvelous Halley’s Comment blog is involved in starting a new work-positive magazine called Worthwhile…

  • MediaMorphosis conference blog and feedpaper

    The American Press Institute has something called the Media Center and this entity is currently hosting a conference called MediaMorphosis. Susan Mernit is running a conference blog for the conference called morph and the conference’s home page also includes a link to a custom Feedster Mediamorphosis Conference Feedpaper on-the-fly aggregration of any references to the…

  • Shhh! The audience is listening

    Let’s all be on our best behavior. Christopher (Back to Iraq) Allbritton is teaching a digital journalism course at NYU this semester and recently assigned the class to read a few blogs during the current week and comment on them. It’s rather humbling and instructive to get feedback from people just jumping into the blog…

  • Combatting linkrot

    Every now and then Kevin Drum at Calpundit puts in a little plea to other bloggers to take a few modest steps to avoid linkrot.

  • Jarvis posts full text of Denton interview

    At BuzzMachine, Jeff Jarvis has posted the complete transcript of his interview with the New York Times reporter who wrote the article the other day about Nick Denton’s nanopublishing empire. It’s nice to get the complete context for Jarvis’s comments, not that he was quoted out of context or anything. Here’s a snatch: JARVIS: Weblogs…

  • Traditional weblog values

    Jay Rosen of NYU’s J-school follows up his recent post delineating what’s radical about the weblog form (for journalism) with one listing ten ways (I won’t call them commandments) in which the weblog form in journalism is conservative.

  • Journalist fired for blog post

    It looks like Gregg Easterbrook’s recent blog column (“Tuesday Morning Quarterback”) that singled out the executives behind Kill Bill as Jews, holding them to a higher moral standard than Christian executives has resulted in him losing his job. Atrios is covering the story from the political angle: It appears that Easterbrook’s TMQ column has been…

  • Joho the scribe

    David Weinberger is blogging the PopTech conference and doing a mighty fine job of it. (I’ve linked to one arbitrary post but he is cranking them out as he goes.) [POPTECH] Second Industrial Rev … Michael Braungart is a biomaterials engineer. … Biology will not get out of the 21st century alive, he says. (He…

  • John Markoff doesn't get it

    I relish this opportunity to agree 100% with something Dave Winer wrote: OJR interviews John Markoff from the NY Times. “It sometimes seems we have a world full of bloggers and that blogging is the future of journalism, or at least that’s what the bloggers argue, and to my mind, it’s not clear yet whether…

  • The Weblog form radical for journalism

    Jay Rosen at NYU’s j-school has been writing a fantastic weblog lately. His most recent entry there lists ten answers to this question: What’s Radical About the Weblog Form in Journalism?

  • Unedited blog scoops edited blog

    Mickey Kaus notes that he and Dan Weintraub received the same leaked Los Angeles Times poll results in the same e-mail message and that he posted about it in his unedited Slate weblog at 5:38 PM yesterday while Dan’s blog post on the same topic didn’t appear until 9:39 PM.

  • Imminent death of blogging predicted -Film at 11

    Written in the mode of a jaded Internet old-timer (how weak is that?), a New York Press Media & Politics item points out the deep irrelevance of weblogs, noting that they are “a circle jerk” and that the best bloggers long to be media columnists like ol’ no-signature who penned the slam. You have to…