Category: Miscellany
We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties
It is ironic that having just paid for Radio I am now running into serious difficulties. The main problems are: My last few posts won’t publish My site design won’t update when applied to the home page or to categories Attempts to reach lead to an error message Unfortunately this means I’m spending all…
Fear of an Internet Planet
Suladog, a Livejournal friend of mine who’s a film writer, told a little story about the mixed feelings some of her peers have about embracing the potential of community through the Internet: … two very close friends…one is the creator of a couple of hit TV series .. the other is a journalist for national…
Correction: Christian X Never Wore Yellow Star
Pushing rectangles takes exception with my “to the ramparts” melodrama about the plight of Davezilla: I am not a lawyer… but I don’t know that any of these chuckleheads are, either. The way trademark protection works, you need to actively police the usage of your marks. This is in contrast to copyright where protection extends…
Is This How My Mind Works?
One the first page of Google results for “Radio Free Blogistan” yields an entry in the Fierce Highway blog, about an online music format. Now here’s the weird thing. The post immediately before that is called Navel Gazing. So now I’m wondering. Is this (a) a coincidence, (b) something I picked up subliminally on earlier…
New Derivation from 'Wardriving' and 'Warchalking': 'Warstorming'
All this war- stuff is making me nervous! Warflying or warstorming: spotting networks from the air: Over Perth, they spotted 90 networks. Does this mean we now need warweatherballoons to mark networks? Jason Jordan wrote to note: I reckon we’re the first to brag about going “War Storming”. That’s a phrase I’ve coined to describe…
Freudian Typos (Recursive)
Scanning my headlines page just now I noticed for the first time an inadvertantly suggestive error* (what I’ve called in the past a Freudian typo): Gnosis Coints Masturblogging Put aside for the moment the philosophy-major angle that I am masturblogging right now by linking to my post about the word masturblogging. Ignore my oh-so-clever James…
Housekeeping & Navelgazing
I’m pushing the new site design across all the categories, hence this post into every category. Apologies for its off-topicness outside of ‘metablog’ and ‘radioactive’. Or rather, let me make it on topic, by discussing my categories a little, which I have just rationalized. While the mission of this blog is to talk about blogging,…
Making Sense of Marcel Duchamp
As I just posted about in my artsflow blog, Andrew Stafford has built a fascinating Flash website called Making Sense of Marcel Duchamp, in which he employs this interactive medium to illustrate and contextualize the works of one of the 20th century’s most penetrating artists. The navigation for the site is a timeline, and Stafford…
Hacking the Law
Brian St. Pierre suggests that the Berman/Coble bill may actually represent an opportunity, a sort of open season on hacking, for are we not all copyright holders? The second opportunity might seem a little scary to some. I’m thinking about the US government here. Consider that there are many small copyright holders in the world…
Spamradio So Soothing
I have these tapes of John Lennon reading the newspaper, making it sound like a blues or a Dylan tune. Listening to spamradio read the ads to ambient accompaniment puts me straight into an alpha state. Please specify shoe size and color … Now you can have hundreds of vendors compete for your loan ……
Statements by Company CEOs and CFOs
Last night Gwen Ifill on The Lehrer News Hour mentioned how “we” (the newsmedia, I suppose) had been glued to the SEC website all day watching the CEO and CFO filings come in. These are the certifications required by the Sarbanes law, in which the company officers must swear that their balance sheets are accurate…
Get Your Exx On
New Batch of ‘Get Your War On’ Up. Just go read ’em. [mediajunkie: junk mail]
Teardrop in Space
An ex-coworker just sent me this site’s address by IM. Reading some of it I am reminded that not all idiosyncratic self-published writing on the Internet is in blog format. I know that’s obvious, but with blogs getting all the heat and light lately maybe I was tending to forget it. The blog is one…
X-Pollen: Think Halal
Over on my mediajunkie blog: There’s More to the Muslim World than Palestine. think halal: the muslim group weblog has a provocative report of the attitude of an Indian Muslim who sees the Palestinian question sucking up all the media attention and aid while gujarat is largely ignored. [mediajunkie: junk mail]
Why Not Blog?
A few good reasons not to blog on the weekend. [xian]
RSS Feed in Blogger (Pro)
By switching to the “in-beta” server, I was able to get the RSS feed working for Junk Mail, one of my Blogger Pro blogs. Up to now I was using Voidstar’s cool RSSify script to generate a feed, but it didn’t seem to recognize titles (it made up titles out of the first x…
Today I am a Man
With my one-week probation up, I found I had something on my mind I wanted to post to Metafilter.
By Popular Request
I took this picture of Morgan and Megan, who were sweet enough to pose (the flash washed it out a bit), on the set of The Screen Savers. The photo album demo went well. The studio audienced went awwww…. when they saw an album of bunny rabbit photos. What amazes me about that set is…
Spam in My In-Box Today
There’s a topic on the Well with that title (Spam in my in-box today). Got a curious message today: Subject: USA Today Vote USA Today is taking a vote on whether the words “Under God” should be removed from the pledge of allegiance. You can vote by going to the following website: Thanks and…
Critiques of Editorials
Critiques of Editorials nails William Saletan’s hatchet-job on Gore: But Saletan really undermines his argument by viciously attacking Gore when no such attack is warranted. Gore wrote an Op Ed that said I told you that if Bush was president that the powerful would benefit and the average joe would get stiffed. Saletan ignores completely…
'Pictures of My Cat' Meme
Since the early days of personal home pages, the readymade shorthand for characterizing a lame website is to refer to the owner’s cat pictures. Yet the most popular personal-journal type blogs have always revealed the intimate and the mundane. It’s the close observation that sucks people in.