Category: Miscellany
Can't anybody here play this game?
First they laughed Fleischer out of the room, then this petty payback against Helen Thomas, and now the stilted, scripted case-for-war, sorta, press conference is under scrutiny, according to this Kuro5hin thread, Ari Fleischer admits Bush called from a prepared list of reporters thread. Insert “bush league” crack here.
Suddenly, I'm very busy
My dance card is full now at least through May, and I’d like to spend a week or so in Greece in May or June this year, and with this flood of steady, varied, remunerative work I suddenly find myself more productive in other areas as well. I’m applying what I’ve learned and practiced over…
Vive La France
A Chronicle article from January 24 circulating among my environmentalist brethren and sistren (Taking on ‘Rational Man’) discusses the politics of academic economics, and the animosity between neoclassical economists and dissidents. While professors in the U.S. are being marginalized in subsidiary theoretical programs, French grad students have taken the lead in the rebellion: The dissidents…
Sometimes I get a great notion
T. C. Boyle (or as the old New Yorker cartoon had him, T. Whatsisname Boyle) was on Forum today on KQED and I called in to ask him a question. I wanted to mention how much I liked Sorry Fugu, which I think I read originally in a Best American Short Stories anthology in the…
Been geeking around on a PC again. Borrowed a Dell for an upcoming documentation project and been bidding on Thinkpad’s on ebay for another project. (Found out I’m going to be working with my old friend Molly on the project I can’t talk about yet, which is cool! Maybe I’ll even get onto her Famous…
I'll call you elphy junior
Well, it turns out immersion in coffee is not good for digital camera. Our local camera shop (down on Lake Shore, and it’s cool we have one – the old typewriter repair shop on College in Elmwood closed recently), sent it back to Canon for a $20 estimate. Turns out they can fix it or…