Category: Radio Free Blogistan
Better life logging
My blogging ebbs and flows, a bunch of photos one month, personal diary agonies another six weeks, geeking out for half a year, private blogs, lots of tinkering with interface and layout and mucking around with the data, then periods with lots of handwritten offline journaling and not much blogging at all. Lately, my life…
Proposal for comment spammers
Why not just buy some Google AdSense AdWords or whatever they’re called? Use the same search terms you found my old post with. That’s what the ads are for. Then we all get paid, man.
There should be a blog called 'Joe Bloggs'
Not surprisingly, there are currently on the first page of Google results for joe bloggs. One from 2002 and one from 2003. There are a lot of businesses called Joe Bloggs too.
New bloggie nominations are up
Mostly the usual suspects were nominatied for the
What used to be vices are now habits
Over a Joi Ito’s new multiauthor We Quit Drinking weblog, Halley Suitt recommends replacing the vice of drinking with a “better habit”: masturbation. From a hair of the dog to hairy palms. Sounds like a good trade to me.
Casting call for reality blog
Wasn’t there a web soap opera called “the Spot” or something like that back around 1996 or ’97? It’s déjà vu all over again now with The BIG Blog Show! which calls itself The Internet’s First Reality Blog. What’s a reality blog? Glad you asked. "What happens when you take a bunch of webloggers from…
Blood's Law
Rebecca Blood writes: [>] Blood’s Law of Weblog History: The year you discovered weblogs and/or started your own is ‘The Year Blogs Exploded’. Corollary: the year after you started your blog is the beginning of ‘Weblog Permanent September.’ Anil’s Corollary: The first weblog you read is the one that invented the medium. [anil dash] [ 01/06/04 ]
MT to Radio to Blogger
Steven Cohen explains why he has moved his blog first from Movable Type to Radio, and now from Radio to Blogger. [via Scripting News]
We treat non sequiturs as spam
A bit of administrivia: If you drop by this weblog and leave a random-sounding comment on some old entry, chances are I will simply assume you are spamming us and delete the comment and ban you forthwith. This morning I deleted just such a message. The site linked didn’t seem especially unpleasant (that is, it…
Optimizing Movable Type
Christoph Cemper has written up the results of his recent efforts at performance-tuning Movable Type. The upshot? rebuilding category archives works from the browser again – no premature end of script (internal server error 500) problems anymore (was a timeout before actually) saving disk space for having only 1 large category-common file per category and…
Santa blogs
Merry Christmas! Naturally, Santa has a weblog: Santa’s Blog.
My new book project
Today, my publisher approved a book I’m going to write between now and next March tentatively to be called The Power of Many with a subtitle of something like How Craigslist, Howard Dean, and are changing the ways we connect. As with my canceled blog book, I am hoping to do this book in…
Radio Free Malkovich
Malkovich Malkovich
John Perry Barlow has a blog
Grateful Dead lyricist, EFF co-founder and general cyberspace theorist John Perry Barlow (he also calls himself a “cognitive dissident”) has, at long last, started a weblog: BarlowFriendz. Now if we can just get Robert Hunter, who’s been keeping a great online journal – on and off – since 1996, an RSS feed and Dead Heads…
Don't believe the hype
I’ve been noticing a new metablog in the referrer logs for RFB lately, Weblog Hype. While our five person staff here is coasting through the end-of-year holiday season with a scant few posts per week, “the Editor” at Hype is doing a great job of covering weblog news left and right. For example, I opened…
RFB badge
Hey, look at the left column of this blogorrhea blog. There is a kinda cool badge for RFB that I guess the blog owner made?
Bruce Sherin has a weblog
Bruce Sherin, one of the funniest people I’ve ever met (and that’s saying a lot), has a new weblog with the incredibly original name Bruce Sherin’s Weblog. Back in 1995, Bruce created Dr. Kovaks’ MicroWeb for Enterzone. I was surprised to see that someone had actually blogged the I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter question…
Saddam is caught and my server is down
Hmm, TypePad munged the first few characters of my entry, turning “Boo-hoo. Biggest blog-news day of the war…” into this: …that’s even weirder, now the munged stuff just disappeared. The post was supposed to say this: Boo-hoo. Biggest blog-news day of the war in Iraq so far and my server that hosts most of my…