Category: Radio Free Blogistan
A new painting every day
A year and a half ago I posted an entry at Telegraph called Daily Practices, in which I linked to a blog called A Painting a Day and wrote: One of my favorite applications of the weblogging medium is a daily practice. My first bloglike thing was a daily journal called Breathing Room that I…
Splog software
I found one of my recent posts appropriated (plagiarized) at a clickfraud spam blog called Christian-radio, hosted or created by a tool called BlogSolution that appears to be designed to create splogs. Welcome back my friends, to the tragedy of the commons that never ends.
Get Real 2.0
For readers of RFB who don’t follow my Power of Many blog, I just want to point out that I’ve taken the “Get Real” philosophy of 37 Signals and turned it up to 11.
How much to disclose?
The whole idea of living your life partly on the web, partly in public brings to mind new subtleties to the boundary between public and private. There are all kinds of shades of gray, nuances between what’s utterly private and what we are comfortable sharing with everyone on the planet. Meanwhile, the available tools are…
Goodbye to all track (backs)
Phil Gyford has had it up to *here* with trackbacks and has decided to abandon them entirely. Phil (am I the only one who wants to write his name Phyl?) has redesigned his site from the ground up. It’s looking very Bauhaus.
shacker's blogging the heck out of sxsw
I’m doing my best to blog about sxsw this year but Scot Hacker’s doing a great job of it. The only way for me to find out about the things I’m missing (good panels that are at the same time as other good panels, parties at the same time as other parties) is to find…
Bill Quick's claim to fame a fraud?
No, you’re not the guy who named the blogosphere. Get over yourself. (Oh the things you learn when catch up with Kottke’s blog.)
Kottke's grand experiment flounders
Despite the first flush of support when Jason Kottke announced his plan to make his blog his full time job, reports that Full-time blogger Kottke throws in the towel. Sorry to hear it. No doubt Jason will continue to make an excellent blog the way most of us do it, in our copious free…
Fertility, Conception, and Adoption blogging
Marie Myung-Ok Lee, who has been blogging her book tour (on my Mediajunkie network) at has recently landed a gig writing Fertility Blog for Meanwhile, Lindisima Lovely has been writing Ms. Conception about trying to conceive a child as a single mother, also on my little Mediajunkie server. Do I sense a trend?…
Trying out CoComment
I’m intrigued by the service coComment is offering: giving you one place to track all of your blog comments and any followup conversations they may entail. Right now, it’s invitation-only, though, so I can’t try it out. Anyone got an invite for me? UPDATE: Well, that was fast. Looks like requesting a code is all…
BlogHer launches group weblog
The BlogHer organizers have relaunched their website as an aggregated group weblog (these seem to be all the rage these days: BlogHer [beta] | Where the women bloggers are. It looks like a cool site, well worth reading and the stream of blog posts definitely adds more value than simply promoting the conference, which is…
Extra! Extra! (read all about it)
A week or so ago I prevailed upon my employer to launch a weblog at our site. As we are a web strategy conslting and development agency (or whatever you call a company that helps other companies build or improve their websites), I felt like it was a no-brainer that we should be blogging about…
Extending blogging with structure
Catching up with Marc Canter I see that he and his cohorts have unveiled Structured Blogging. Looks interesting. I’ll need to try out the plugin(s) to see if the data-entry overhead makes sense for me. Paul Kedrosky thinks I’m (well, all of us are) too lazy to make it work. He may be right. I…
Blogger, can you spare a dime?
A short story about the posta-blogalyptic future.
Farewell to Typepad
Typepad is cool. I beta-tested it, I’ve been a member since 2003. But I don’t really need it. I host my own MT blogs and there’s WordPress and so on. The blogs I set up on TP to test it suffer from neglect. Recently I was reminded of TP and went to log in only…
Beastblog dormant since November
I know what it’s like trying to get people to contribute to a group blog when it’s not their only bloggish outlet. They tend to forget about it, lose their passwords, stop coming by. It’s hard to establish a foreign-blogging habit. So I’m not entirely surprised that even though I believe a fair number of…
MIT blog survey now four months overdue
Uh, fellas? … MIT Weblog Survey
Rameses the first war blogger?
David D. Perlmutter writes in his Policy by Blog weblog, in an entry called Blogs of War: Then and Now: > In c. 1300 BCE, the pharaoh Rameses II and his army fought a battle against a Hittite army at Kadesh, in what is now Syria. The battle was a draw; in fact, the Egyptians…
b!X's postmortem on Portland Communiqué
The One True b!X shuttered his citizen journalism site in September of this year (it launched in 2002). In Coda he looks back on that decision and elaborates on three major motivators: * Growing weariness with the prominence of demagoguery. * Major local stories looming on the horizon. * Inevitable future dominance of the financial…
Lots of little MT admin issues
I’ve been trying to refine my Movable Type setup lately and I have run into a number of little problems for which I can’t find easy solutions online. For example, there appears to be a bug in MT 3.2 that permits junked trackbacks and/or comments to show up on a blog. The workaround seems to…