Category: Radio Free Blogistan
Blogher kick off
Sounds like last night was fun. Finally got the wireless working on my Mac. Sadly, I brought the camera but not the memory card, so I won’t be able to post pictures (except via the phone). Already meeting a lot of cool people. It’s great to be in a room that is 80% women. I…
See you at Blogher!
I won’t be there this evening for any pre-schmoozing, but I will be driving down to San Jose bright and early tomorrow a.m. to take in the splendor that will be Blogher. I’ll bring the camera and try to post some shots during the day or soon afterward.
Yahoo 360 adds feeds
Frances Pabon over at Good Bloggin’ alerts me that
Tour de France blog
One of the blogs I host in the Telegraph collective on the Mediajunkie server is The Philter, by Bill Cassel. Bill’s been blogging the Tour de France diligently, day by day. Just sayin’.
Six Apart release MT 3.2 beta
I’m looking forward to testing out the new version of Movable Type (Movable Type 3.2 Beta) – if only for the new administrative features.
So who's going to Blogher?
I have to check my schedule and my budget, but I’m sticking a link to the signup page for blogher here to remind myself to go, if at all possible.
Huge improvement to Drupal's nav scheme
Nick Lewis has unveiled a few tweaks to Drupal (which is also the basis for CivicSpace), which presents the navigation scheme as nested tabs across the top of the browser window instead of expanding and collapsing text links in a floating box in one of the margins. I’ll be adopting this improvement for all my…
Technorati's makeover goes live
Technorati has unveiled a much more end-user friendly front page. I don’t think I see the word “cosmos” anywhere! But the second most popular search is “Sifry”? Maybe they need to give Dave his own sandbox so he doesn’t keep skewing the result sets. I’m just keeding. I kid, I kid… because I love. Maybe…
Blog survey
The MIT Media Lab is conducting a weblog survey. You can read more about the survey and its methodology on their Information page. (via the Well)
Good TV blogs?
A friend of mine who works at a cable network tells me they are considering having some of their reality-show characters start blogging, and he asked me if I knew of any good TV blogs. Not in the sense of TV Squad but in the sense of tied to a specific show. I couldn’t think…
The Times inching toward a bloggish attitude?
Metasnark about the Times “What’s Online” column from O’Reilly Radar (The NY Times Gets into the Blog Spirit): Today’s New York Times’ What’s Online column, by Dan Mitchell, contains this nice little tidbit: OH, WE HAVE A BLOG? Red Hat Software, the Linux distributor, may have had big things in mind when it started its…
The blogger lifecycle
MJ nails the lifecycle of a blogger. It’s almost painfully accurate.
Origins of blog software applications
an interesting discussion in the Textpattern support forum pulls together statements from the creators of Greymatter, Movable Type, and Radio Userland describing the genesis of each application. What’s fascinating is how different they are. Someone should gather analogous statements about Blogger, Textpattern, WordPress, and so on.
My new job
Well, I promised to spill the beans as soon as I could and since I’m here in the office today at Extractable, I guess it’s safe to go public. I’m not sure what my exact title is or will be. It might be senior information architect, or strategist, or content monkey, or whatever, but I’ll…
Spam blogs taking over
TNH at Making Light analyzes One minute’s worth of weblogs I found because I’d gotten exasperated with Technorati and was looking for something more reliable. Which is not to say that I succeeded, because is a useless site. What it gives you is a single flat unadorned list of weblogs that’ve updated that…
Update on my job search
Well, I haven’t entirely succeeded at playing out this whole job search thing in public. First of all, thanks to everyone who linked to my original entry going public with my search, and everyone who’s given me advice or passed my resume along to their contacts. Not surprisingly, however, I’ve found that it’s been prudent…
"bookmark this" hack for del.ici.ous
Quoting from bookmark this: I’ve added a little bit of code to add a “Bookmark This” link on every post, next to the Comments link, which allows you to kick the user over to to the posting page. There are two pieces to this little hack. First, you can link to with a…
Time to stop pinging
At least till we know who bought, I’m not sure I want to pinging them: has been sold to an unnamed individual and will transfer ownership, including account information and user data, sometime on or around June 13. is a directory of recently updated weblogs. It is “pinged” by virtually every public…
Typo – minimalist blogging engine
Typo “provides a fast and easy way to start a weblog and manage it with a rich desktop client application like MarsEdit or ecto.”
Finally, a replacement for bloglet
This is what I’ve been waiting for: Rmail – subscribe to any RSS feed by e-mail Reader John Tropea has pointed out a new RSS e-mail subscription service called Rmail. I’ve set it up at right to replace the dysfunctional Bloglet. When you enter your e-mail address in the box and click Subscribe, it will…