Category: Salon Bloggers

  • Reciprocal-Feed List?

    Now that has added a reciprocal roll (mine is listed in my sidebar under Reciplogroll—I wish it gave sitenames and not URLs, but it’s still cool) feature, I wonder if I could add some kind of macro or something that could show the sites that have subscribed to my feed (per the hotlist)?

  • Throttle Off

    Aha! So paying for a Salon Blog entitles you to 40 meg, it appears, and the 10 meg allocation was tied to the trial period I surmise. Hit my page just now and saw it was up-to-date. Checked my internal home page and saw that it now has 40 meg, 75% available (so somehow I…

  • You Won't See This

    Yes, the problem is I’ve maxed out my server space at Salon’s host, so I suppose this means moving over to my FTP server again. Even then, though I’ll need to replace the home page at with some sort of link or redirect to the new address, or it will look like a dead…

  • Fuzzy Rules!

    Working on my list of Radio problems and wishes: Switch from FTP and back left address/link artifacts Themes rendered incompletely in categories/not updated fully How did I fill up 10 meg so quickly? Will I still be visible in the Salon Blogs community if I move over to my own host, and will I still…

  • Feels Like a Transporter Accident

    Sorry for so many posts about the technicalities of this specific blog. It’s frustrating. Radio still thinks my home page is over at my own site, so the ‘before’ and ‘after’ navigation points over to the mirror, as do the navigator/category links. The calendar links point to the address, so there’s a Frankenstein quality…

  • Ten Meg Limit?

    I’m still not sure what I’m supposed to do when I’ve filled the 10 meg provided on the Salon community server. I’ve pruned a few unused graphics. It’s hard to believe I’ve upstreamed that much text! Also, after publishing a copy of this site to my own host and then switching off the FTP service,…

  • TVinsite

    I SMELL PRESS RELEASE: HBO teams up with Salon By Allison Romano Broadcasting & Cable 8/14/2002 8:00:00 AM Home Box Office’s film unit is teaming up with Salon Media Group to develop print and film projects. HBO Films will underwrite select stories for entertainment and news Web site with the option of adapting stories…

  • Bladam's Blog (and Movable Type Bookmarklets)

    I spaced out on making Bladam’s name a link to his blog in my review so I thought I’d call it out here in its own entry. As I said, he sent me message with a lot of insight into Radio vs. Movable Type and I appreciate the contribution and want to credit it fully!…

  • Will the Real 'Talking Points' Please Stand Up?

    Scott Rosenberg’s Links & Comment this morning notes that the Washington Post is stepping on Joshua Micah Marshall’s brand: Today Marshall notes that the Washington Post has begun running an online column with the name “Talking Points.” Talking point for Post editors: Time to rethink that.

  • Weisblogger on Salon Blogs

    Life ongoing, and other tragic comedies… says that Marc Weisblott writes about Salon.Blogs under the title of “Inside Blogger Baseball” and… He makes the point that Salon is basically trying to ride the coattails of blogging to improve its image and make money. If they are, I really don’t mind. If it gets more people…

  • Tracking Referers

    [RadioFAQs] Question: The list of referers seems to be wiped clean each day. Is there a way to see all hits and referers from previous days as well as the current day? [Alison] Answer: Sorry, the referers currently is only kept for a 24 hour period and reset at midnight. [Lawrence Lee] [Don W Strickland: RadioFAQ] me:…

  • "Blog" Watch: A (Selective) Reader

    Driver 8 has compiled a list of uses of the word blog in mainstream (“professional”) media. So far he hasn’t included any Salon citings, when we know Scott Rosenberg has been covering that beat for a good three or four years now.

  • Gnosis Coints 'Masturblogging'

    Blog jargon watch: Is there a term for putting entries in a Weblog that are linked to other entries in the same Weblog? If no such term exists yet, I’d like to nominate “masturblogging.”

  • Hydrophobia

    So the “eight glasses of water a day” meme turns out to be urban legend and not medical gospel at all, according to David Harris’ Science News Salon Blog. Harris digs up stuff that we wouldn’t otherwise see for days (the water story came from today’s American Journal of Physiology), so I’m glad to see…

  • All Clear to Resubscribe to RFB

    As a kind reader pointed out, my post earlier today of the honorific dropdown menu included a form element that broke the Radio aggregator (News page) for anyone subscribing to this blog. The easiest way to deal with the problem is to unsubscribe and then resubscribe again. If you’ve already unsubscribed, the coast should be…

  • This Blog Cuts into My Browsing Time

    One side effect Salon may not have planned on with this experiment is that I, for one, am finding much less time to read Salon lately. Now they already have my premium subscription so maybe it doesn’t matter, and I am trying to point to Salon blogs and Salon articles (in this BlogSalon category) when…

  • Critiques of Editorials

    Critiques of Editorials nails William Saletan’s hatchet-job on Gore: But Saletan really undermines his argument by viciously attacking Gore when no such attack is warranted. Gore wrote an Op Ed that said I told you that if Bush was president that the powerful would benefit and the average joe would get stiffed. Saletan ignores completely…

  • Comments on Publication-Hosted Blogs

    You’ll come for the blogging insight; you’ll stay for the Buffy rumors. The beautifully designed site includes an interesting discussion in its weblog of this new trend of publications hosting blogspaces: It doesn’t take a genius to gather what is happening in corporate world at the moment – weblogs are ‘in’ – they’ve finally…

  • Double Standard on Drugs

    I’ve never liked the way politicians hypocritically excuse their own “youthful indiscretions” and those of their family members while advocating throwing the book at unconnected offenders. Noelle Bush gets rehab, the poor and black get hard time. Fed up with draconian drug penalties, a coalition led by angry mothers is threatening to overturn some of…

  • Improperly Escaped-out Octothorpes (Pound Signs) in Refer Log Links

    When clicking a referer log entry from a Salon Blogs named anchor link indicating a specific article that day (such as this one from my log today), the octothorpe (hash mark) is escaped out as %23, leading to an error when I try to click on it. My impression yesterday was that this didn’t happen…

  • Correction: Re MSNBC's Blogs

    Thanks to Scott Rosenberg’s clarification I realize that I leapt to conclusions without reading closely enough. If MSNBC will simply be listing their journalist’s blogs (Alterman, Kaus, et al.?), then I suppose what replaces their messag boards will be the comments function? I suppose that would tend to focus conversation on the personalities instead of…