Category: Salon Bloggers

  • Conceptual writing collection

    The always-delightful Ubuweb site has assembled an anthology of conceptual writing. [via A.P. Crumlish]

  • Product placement on the news

    Jeff Green exposes how some companies pay to have their products mentioned on the TV news.

  • First book on a single blog tool

    I’ve been following the blog book market pretty closely this last year and with the recent Google acquisition of Pyra to get Blogger and Neotony investment in Six Apart to support Movable Type and then TypPad, it’s kind of cool to note that the firstr book dedicated to a single specific blog tool is on…

  • Xeni is the cowgirl's stunt double this week

    Xeni Jardin asks the musical question, “[W]hat do you blog about when you can be as explicit, as extreme, and as graphic as you want to be? How far will you go – at what point will you self-censor? Do you roll your sleeves up and turn up the shock, just because you can? If…

  • Iranian blogger arrested

    Blogging has gotten pretty big in Iran, which is no surprise given the democratic strivings emerging from the enormous Persian youth culture. Now it appears that one Iranian blogger/journalist has been arrested. He is “accused of threatening the national security by giving interviews to Persian language radios outside Iran, wrtiting articles both in newspapers and…

  • Blasphemy supersedes pr0n

    In the recent community server crisis I failed to notice that Jan Haugland’s Secular Blasphemy has edged out Pornographer’s Picks for the No. 10 spot in the Salon Blogs rankings, knocking PP out of the top ten for the first time ever. Soon he will pass RFB in the rankings, then the Raven will pass…

  • Salon's Radio community server on the fritz?

    The Salon blogs mailing list is abuzz with complaints about the behavior of the community server. Hit counts appear to be down, updated blogs are not registering, and the comment system keeps becoming unavailable. We don’t have a formal process for inquiring about these kinds of maintenance issues, and I’m not sure anyone’s emailed Scott…

  • Do you read me? (via my RSS news feed, that is?)

    Quick informal \”poll\” (since you never know much about your RSS-feed audience). If you subscribe to RFB’s newsfeed and read this blog in an aggregator, please email me at this nonce address: <> with the name of your feedreader as the subject (for example “Subject: Radio\” or “Subject: NetNewsWire Pro\” or \”Subject: AmphetaDesk\,” etc.). Don’t…

  • I claim Free Blogistan in the name of the People

    Because the freest markets are imaginary markets.

  • A brief history of sexblogs

    A month or so ago, Debra Hyde wrote a piece for Yes Portal called Sexblogs: Observations from an Early Adopter. In it, she recounts her own experiences, starting a sex blog (or journal as we probably would have called it then) called Pursed Lips just before the advent of Blogger. There’s a touch of regret…

  • Best new blog name

    Seems to be a salonika Friday for me, when I should be taking screenshots for my long overdue Chapter 9 of (yes, they just told me I can mention it in public, wait for it…) FrontPage Savvy, but more on that another time. Best named new notable Salon blog has to be Why Your Wife…

  • I'm sorry, but the '80s bit

    Over at Hyperbole, Jim Haefele reminisces about what he refers to as his decade. Well, we can’t choose the time and date of our own birth and one’s own memories always end up entangled with the cultural detritus of the period, plus he’s in Tunisia and I know when you are away from home, it…

  • Raven on how to read the news

    The Raven has, by dint of daily effort, accomplish what many bloggers dream of doing but few manage: He publishes a highly literate, well crafted, thoughtful essay every day (sometimes more than one per day), usually on the newsmedia environment we live in. His audience grows steadily. He has earned each daily reader. I’m not…

  • Content architecture for business blogs

    Dave Pollard’s been doing some heavy thinking on how best to use weblogs in the workplace, to enable employees to “publish their filing cabinets.” He’s got some useful diagrams illustrating the content architecture he recommends. Any blogger (or k-loggers) would recognize his scheme as a variation on the familiar weblog format that has emerged in…

  • RFB hax0red

    Having a nice day mostly off-line, thinking about maybe uploading some more cloud pictures or posting something about David Brooks mentioning Salam Pax’s blog on the McLehrer report on Friday, when I check my mail and see that Scott Rosenberg and my cousin, A.P. Crumlish, both tipping me off to the fact that Radio Free…

  • Occasional dispatches from Iraq

    Long story short, I have a friend in Iraq named Delshad. He is a Kurd and he lives in northern Iraq, in the northern no-fly zone. Last fall he was trying to get out of the country, but only got as far as Syria and then returned. With the war on, I thought I’d post…

  • My server appears to be down

    As of right now none of my web domains appear accessible, although I still seem to have FTP access to my Open Publishing server. I’m x-posting this to RFB’s usernum address on the Salon community server (0001111). I’m depressed about the war. Working hard. Conference coming up. Lots to post about. Server down. Figures. Positive…

  • Here's a job for the x-ism blog

    RFB’s focus has been drifting and to give it coherence, besides just becoming an RSS aggregator of my other feeds, I think I’ll go back to trying to document my PEP (personal expression platform) project there, including some organizational stuff, some IA ideas, but first, mostly a bunch of scans of sketches I’ve done over…

  • This sounds like a job for the Rooster.

    I’m reliably informed that many of the “w4m” ads in the “Casual Encounters” section of craigslist, especially the ones with size-queen overtones (raw language in that link), are actually from gay (or “bi-curious?”) men trolling for cock photos. The real women, I gather, tend to (none of this is ever 100%) request face shots when…

  • Pen is mightier

    Saw this scanning the “tv video radio jobs” want ads at craigslist, dated Monday, March 10 (all [sic]): Screen Writer with big package SF Cop, with published paperback, looking for a real screen writer. No aspiring story-tellers or educated pencil-dicks. My book is raw, and dirty as the streets of Frisco. “The Rooster” is a…

  • Numerology on the cheap

    I really enjoyed this Pushing the Biscuit piece by our local Preacher-with-a-heart-of-gold. Also, what great readers he’s cultivated! What blogger wouldn’t envy his community? Must be a lesson in there somewhere. I notice as I paste the URL for the cited article ( into various places that it was article 66 on the 6th of…