Category: Salon Bloggers

  • How to make a category in Radio

    I’ve just posted (in reverse order *phew* so you can read it in the right order) a six-step tutorial explaining to Salon bloggers how to set up a new category in Radio so they can participate in the Salon blogs salon I’m trying to set up. If you change the names of the categories and…

  • 1. Peeking under the hood (just a little)

    The best way to contribute to the Salon blogs community page is to set up a special category for submission. To do that you have to first enable (turn on) categories for your blog. The place where you do that is your preferences page. You get there by clicking (or otherwise following) the Prefs link…

  • 2. Setting your category prefences

    On the Preferences page, click the Categories link (under Weblogs, the second block of options):

  • 3. Turning categories on

    To enable the use of categories on your weblog, just check this box and click the button. Radio will start displaying a default (suggested) set of categories under your text-entry box. You can ignore the existing set for now.

  • 4. Making a new category

    Now, the next time you’re on your desktop weblog home page (where you post new entries), you’ll see your starter set of categories, and a link next to the word Categories called New. To make your new Salon blogs community channel, follow that New link.

  • 5. Setting up your category

    Now you have to give your category a name. It can be anything. Mine is blogsalon. Andrew’s is salonblogs. Call it anything you like. Make up a description if you want. You can ignore the rest of this page and just click the Submit button, unless you specifically want to start publishing and storing a…

  • 6. Posting to the Salon blogs community (salonika @ RFB)

    Now, any time you write a post you want to share with the entire Salon community, check that category name you made up before publishing your entry, sort of like this: (I actually then unchecked my Home Page and sent the following post.) Tell me the first time you post and I’ll make a point…

  • When all was said and done

    “Posting the tutorial in reverse may not have been such a good idea.” Changelog 2002.11.06.1356PST: Yep, the problem appeared to be a break issue around the figure in Step 5! It was obscuring the controls for Step 6 and hiding much of the copy. I tihnk it’s ficxed now, so as promised I’m demoting this…

  • Andrew Bayer in the hizzouse

    Let’s make a Salon Blogs community. I’d would like to invite all Salon bloggers into my … uh… Salon, here, this RFB channel called “salonika.” *snip* This is another experiment, but based on the recent comment threads, it’s clear to me that no one is going to make a community for us. We have to…

  • How to join 'salonika' (my Salon blogs salon)

    Welcome Andrew Bayer of Andrew Bayer is Dreaming of China by Andrew Bayer, who has just added a ‘salonblogs’ category to his blog (even though you can’t find it as a web page anywhere) and notified me. I went to his site’s categories folder (\http://youraddress/categories/) and didn’t see a category there, so I told him…

  • Let's make a Salon Blogs community

    I’d would like to invite all Salon bloggers into my … uh… Salon, here, this RFB channel called “salonika.” Like the ancient greeks and decadent medieval university students, and cultured hostesses, let us drink together and contemplate the finer things in a free flowing exchange of ideas. Specifically, I invite anyone at Salon blogs who…

  • Fried Green al-Qaedas

    While Plan B was getting all the Slashdotting and the Scott Rosenberg shout-outs, Mark Hoback was quietly writing his entire novel, Green, at his Salon blog. So what do you do with a blog novel blog when you’ve finished writing the novel? Apparently you change the name of your blog to something more eye catching…

  • What does it mean to be part of the Salon blog community?

    Last week one of the two filchyboy blogs rocketed to the top of the Salon daily ranking charts with off-the-scale traffic numbers, even though an examination of the referrer logs showed nothing special going. Andrew Bayer commented on this in his Dreaming of China blog, discerning that filchyboy had placed the Javascript code into the…

  • First p0st at

    Well, the non-blog-related categories have now been redirected via FTP to various branded locations, so it’s time to start posting new entries to I’ve just switched the streaming over to FTP, so this post should automatically stream to the new location (and not to the old one). Next, I have to figure out the…

  • Still moving…

    Well, the first attempt screwed up the upstreaming and one side effect is that “fireweaver” is rendering on the home page instead of in its category folder, which hides most recent posts. (Follow the metablog link at right to see recent blog-related posts.) Meanwhile, this is more or less a dummy post to see if…

  • The semitruth hurts

    Favorite new Salon blog: SEMI TRUTHS: The Radio Active Salon. Best feature: True news stories followed by semitrue embellishments. Bonus: Mentions Michael Jackson and pr0n.

  • The last refuge of scoundrels

    Conason: Ralph Reed, unpatriotic coward. Joe Conason calls an ad against Senator Max Cleland (D, Georgia) “[a]nti-American, unpatriotic and cowardly”:Speaking of Osama and Saddam, their images provide the backdrop for what may be the single most nauseating, cynical and un-American political advertisement of the midterm campaign. [more at Bite Media]

  • Salon blog watch

    Well, I never did manage to surpass the blognovel in time, as Reverse Cowgirl rocketed past me into No. 3 position yesterday and went to No. 2 overall today. Scott has a pretty big lead in his No. 1all-time position but if I were him I’d still be nervous! I think it’s clear, though, that…

  • Best new Salon blog name: Naked Emperor

    RadioExpress! and my back button (checking a quote), just ate my post… rewriting it now… {Here’s a Radio wish! Could someone make a version of Radio Express that pops up in its own window, like every other bookmarklet on the planet?}… Face it, naming your blog is the old band-name game writ large. There are…

  • Salon flip-flopping on handling retractions?

    Driver 8 is asking whether Salon’s retracting the Tom White story is inconsistent with a past position taken editorially: To quote Scott, “That sounds good, but it gives the magazine a convenient out, a chance to bury the embarrassing incident. There’s no reason the magazine couldn’t ‘continuously publish’ the stories with an explicit statement that…

  • Cowgirl hogties raincoater

    Yesterday, our own Susannah “Reverse Cowgirl” Breslin passed Pornographer’s Picks in Salon Blogs’ all-time ranking. The anonymous raincoater had a large head start and still brings in remarkable numbers on the strength of his first month of postings, despite shooting blanks since August. Plan B’s return from vacation and a who-shot-JR style cliffhanger will likely…