Category: Salon Bloggers

  • Vive La France

    A Chronicle article from January 24 circulating among my environmentalist brethren and sistren (Taking on ‘Rational Man’) discusses the politics of academic economics, and the animosity between neoclassical economists and dissidents. While professors in the U.S. are being marginalized in subsidiary theoretical programs, French grad students have taken the lead in the rebellion: The dissidents…

  • Sometimes I get a great notion

    T. C. Boyle (or as the old New Yorker cartoon had him, T. Whatsisname Boyle) was on Forum today on KQED and I called in to ask him a question. I wanted to mention how much I liked Sorry Fugu, which I think I read originally in a Best American Short Stories anthology in the…

  • A chilling effect, kinda

    Farhad Manjoo at Salon has an interview with the operator of the parody site, discussing the recent letter from the Office of the Vice President asking them to stop being mean to mean ol’ Lynne Cheney.

  • Overview of moving a Radio blog to a new host

    A friend planning a host change (from an address based on usernum to a custom domain name) asked me for advice on making the move. Based on my own experience, I tossed off a list of things to do roughly in order. Warning: I may have left out something crucial! This list is a work…

  • i didn't do it!

    been blogging too much lately, need to inhale a bit, step back, tighten the filter, play some cards closer to the chest, work offline. but stream of jottings notes, nonincriminating, can easily to publicly or privately. any reason to publish raw stream? so anyway, the cowgirl attributes an upskirt beaver shot to me to the…

  • Why publishers shouldn't host weblogs and how they should

    Tom Coates, the A-List hunk who once called this humble blog “astoundingly useful” (or something like that &8211; it was in my comments and they’re not searchable and I’m not together enough to capture testimonials on the spur of the moment) offers a cogent analysis of why content publisher shouldn’t host weblogs, meaning mainstream media…