Category: Salon Bloggers

  • Salon retracts Tom White / Enron story

    Salon today went beyond an earlier correction and removed a story originally published on August 29: Oct. 1, 2002

  • Sample code for focused custom Google search

    The site search feature of Google’s free custom search offering works by default only for sites whose addresses are root-level URLs (so, for example, you can use it out-of-the-box to search or but not With the help of Ian Landsman and a few other readers over the weekend, I’ve come up with…

  • Add a Google search box to any site?

    John Robb posts the code for adding a Google search widget to your blog (or any site, really). However, as I read it, it seems to work with entire domains (for example, Sites like this whose root address is a subdirectory of a root domain (this site’s address is currently may not benefit…

  • Standing Room Only

    Well, after that self-indulgent post about Salon rankings I thought I owed it to myself to dig a little deeper and go look at some more Salon blogs, starting at the recently updated page. I stumbled across a fairly new blog, Standing Room Only, by Hugh Elliott. His topics are Media, Humor, Television, Gay, Life.…

  • Turning data into information

    Charly Z also hepped me to Daniel Danilov’s Reflections, where he recently posted a think-piece about how blogs help impose a mental grid on raw data, part of the process the mind uses to turn that data into relevant information: Anyone who complains about blogs being a waste of space or anything of the sort…

  • Comment monitor updates via RSS

    Also on the Driver 8 tip, another entry notes that Phil Pearson has “a new version of his comment monitor … that will update me on new comments on my blog… through the RSS aggregator.”

  • Raven spikes with tales of Irish Travellers

    In an entry called Candid Camera Raven discussed the Irish Traveller background of the caught-on-video daughter-beater named Toogood. This entry of his shows up on the first page of results of a Google search for Irish Travellers and the like. Hits ensue. Quoth the Raven: The coverage over at ABC news and also at CNN…

  • I'm going to denounce Saddam in my blog

    A tip of the cap to Michel Vuijlsteke for spotting this line in Tom Tomorrow’s latest cartoon. Tomorrow is himself a webblogger, of course, blogging at This Modern World.

  • Scott and I get the nod from Yahoo

    According to Friday’s Yahoo What’s New – Social Science, Scott Rosenberg’s Links & Comment and this site,

  • International Salon blogs

    After I posted about blog regionalism, several commenters pointed out the international blogs right under my nose here at Salon, some of whom of course I’ve already been reading (linking to me is a sure way of getting my attention): The Devil’s excrement (on Salon) posts from Venezuela. That’s a start. Tom Fox [] •…

  • The coattails of de Cock

    My referrer log today shows about 20 hits from variations on people searching for Véronique de Cock, a spillover from my metacommentary on Michel’s rise in the Salon rankings. Michel is now posting occasionally in English, something I selfishly am glad to see. Of course I’m not completely monolingual. Everyone speaks different dialects. Maybe I…

  • Yahoo Matters

    Though my referrer was from a bookmark (as Dave Winer pointed out in my comments), reverse cowgirl is getting some action today from her new listing on Yahoo’s weblogs page (full name: Yahoo! Social Science > Communications > Writing > Journals and Diaries > Online Journals and Diaries > Web Logs). She was added…

  • J-School Panel Tonight

    I’ll be in the audience at the panel tonight at Berkeley (at 6:30). I was going to bring my laptop and try to blog it live, but Scot told me that there was no wireless and no easy way to get me ethernet (the only access is directly under the dais as I understand it).…

  • Blogistan Namespace: Where's Slotman?

    I am using namespace figuratively. I’ve noticed that the linktext for links to this site usually take one of several forms, roughly (unscientifically) in order of frequency: Radio Free Blogistan Blogistan Radio-Free Blogistan RFB xian Christian Crumlish These are all fine with me, though no hyphen is needed. I realized that the best of these…

  • Veronique De Cock explained (in English)

    Thanks to our feedback loop, Michel Vuijlsteke has cleared up the feeding frenzy around Ms. De Cock and her now-famous natural breasts (go directly to his entry to follow the many hyperlinked keywords) Veronique De Cock is a 24 year old model, former Miss Belgium (1995), sometime singer and TV presenter, organiser of Miss Antwerp…

  • Monoglots Anonymous

    Hello, my name is Christian and I’m monolingual. (“Hi, Christian!”) Yes, I did note Michel Vuijlsteke‘s rapid rise on the Salon charts in the last few days, saw that the language of his blog was Dutch (or Flemish?), and even discerned that a lot of his traffic (more than Scott’s these last few days) seemed…

  • Blogosphere Discusses Salon's Forbidden Thoughts

    Here’s the first concrete dividend from Salon’s blog initiative: Scott Rosenberg’s massively credible blog could serve as a coequal (with Instapundit) staging place for the extensive blogotastic discussion of the Salon article on forbidden thoughts about 9/11 as Glenn’s. The feedback loop provided proves to me that Salon has joined the blogosphere and is not…

  • filchyboy Seeing Double?

    I’ve noticed in the Salon blog rankings that filchyboy is listed twice. What’s up with that? Is John the Maiden broadcasting now to two different usernums? It tends to lower his rank. I notice I am posting more about Salon blogs while traveling. Probably a neighborhood thing. It’s easy for me to check out other…

  • Salon Blog Bites Back

    She’s Actual Size, Nationwide, Believe refuses to take criticism from our Blogistan Baedecker lying down: Re: Viva Hate! Usually I don’t stoop to this level, but it’s been a rough day and I’m in the mood: This Self-Righteous Prat has decided that my little corner of blogspace is one of his examples of Bad Weblogs…

  • Conason Defends Sullivan

    In Joe Conason’s Journal (that’s a link to the day — without permalinks it’s not a real blog…) he defends Andrew Sullivan’s new column in Salon against readers threatening to cancel their subscriptions: While I don’t share some writers’ obssesion with exposing Sullivan, I haven’t hesitated to expose his errors and I’ve expressed doubt about…

  • The UC Berkeley J-School Invites You (Sept 17, 2002)

    (via Scot Hacker): The UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism invites you to a Sept. 17 panel discussion on: Weblogs: Challenging Mass Media and Society Weblogs have received a lot of press lately, and journalism Weblogs are proliferating. Are Weblogs rejuvenating public discussion?. Are they an alternative to mass media? Join us in a discussion…