Category: Weblog Concepts

  • Redesigning salonika (second try)

    Right after I added the RSSboxes to the home page design template for the salonika category of this blog, I changed the tagline for that category (got tired of the profanity) and in so doing accidentally reinstated the generic Salon blogs design, wiping out all my careful customization. That was Thursday, I think. I finally…

  • Confused thoughts on comments 'n' pings

    I notice a post from Scripting News on my news page Every time I post a comment on a weblog I have to remember to go back and see if anyone followed up. We have to figure a way to automate this. Agree or disagree? [Scripting News] and I think: LiveJournal has it exactly right.…

  • Attributions in a multiauthor Radio weblog

    I aggregate feeds from a number of other blogs to my x-syndicate category automatically using Radio’s multiauthor weblog tool. So far so good. When I want the post to include an attribution to the source blog I usually type it in. I could make a shortcut for it, but I haven’t, and there are several…

  • Me, I'm voting for lazy

    Jim Henley hoists the witty-yet-frequently-insufferable James Lileks by his own petard.

  • Apologies for the reruns

    For readers of my X-POLLEN blog via (an RSS) news feed, which includes LiveJournal friends reading the xpollen user Mark Pasc setup for me, I apologize for the way the feed just resent something like seventeen recent posts. I just made a minor administrivial change to this blog’s archiving nomenclature. Posts are now stored in…

  • The daily dish

    Hugh of SRO has some words for Andrew Sullivan: You’re like Joan Rivers, so enmeshed in this “Personality” you’ve created that you’ve burned your bridges and any other side of you would be a betrayal to your Fans. The fans you obviously believe you have and feel compelled to spoon feed, even when it makes…

  • Halley and Larry, sittin' in a tree…

    I’ve long been absolutely transfixed by the picture of Professor Lessig on his blog. I love that picture. Deep in thought, working like hell to get the words out on the net, pensive, focused, serious…. …dreamy? But she really loves him for his mind: It’s just about the most perfect picture of someone in the…

  • Sometimes I wish I were smart

    Then I’d really understand the apparently cool thing Sam Ruby is doing with RSS feeds to grab incoming links and excerpt them on his blog.

  • Blogware malfunctions?

    For some reason a few automated processes I rely on for my blogging are failing me today. First, when I post to a Movable Type blog and include a link to another Movable Type blog, I expect MT to “autodiscover” the ping URL for the linked post and automatically send a Trackback ping. It’s worked…

  • Dirty talk roundtable

    Once a week on Sunday night, the Dirty Questions site posts a new sex-related question of the week and a blog entry answering it. The comments are open to anyone who wants to drop by and answer the question as well. Should make for lively dinner conversation. [via Gnome-girl]

  • Burgers and ho's

    As promised, I’m going to post my photos from the Scoble-rific burger dinner and drinks event from Saturday night. I’ve discarded the worst shots but IANAP, so the remaining ones still kinda suck, at least some of them do. Apologies in advance for people caught blinded by the flash or otherwise washed out or turning…

  • Stealth PBS program on blogging

    Doc has the skinny on the upcoming PBS Mediamatters show on weblogging: PBS says it will run a feature on blogging in mediamatters on Thursday. Glenn sez he can’t get it in Knoxville. Hmm… I’ll betcha he could find something if he has an outdoor antenna (and doesn’t depend only on cable). I see no…

  • Kevin Marks explains blogs to Cringely

    Reading Cringely’s prediction that “with the continued (and to me totally inexplicable) rise of web logs, someone — maybe Google &8212; will come up with an effective blog search engine to read all that junk for us and extract what we really care about,” Kevin Marks explains it all very succinctly: You don’t need to…

  • Help with RPC?

    I’m trying out the beta version of NetNewsWire Pro, specifically it’s Post to Weblog feature (cool idea). It seems to want a password, though, to post to this blog, and I don’t recall there being a password here, at least not one I’ve had to enter since I first set things up. It also gives…

  • filchyboy's full-court press

    Well, it looks like RFB will be dropping down to number seven in the Salon blogs all-time rankings today as both of filchyboy’s blogs have been racking up (nearly identical) hit counts in the thousands since yesterday. Has he put the web bug back on his ultra-popular pages? I noticed his top refer is…

  • Blogger summit

    Heady company last night at Barney’s and Coyote. Marc Canter brought his whole family (check out Chris Pirillo’s video footage). Pirillo and the lovely the talented Gretchen came with the whole Gnometourage. Ev showed up after dinner (and pow-wowed with Dave about the metaweblog API and other matters). Tara Sue, it turns out, is a…

  • Match the panties to the blogger

    Gnome-Girl has all the fun.

  • Experimenting with the Referrer System

    Following my usual scattershot process of trying out multiple methods for doing the same thing and then sometimes randomly stopping when something works well enough, I dropped by Stephen’s Web today and have added the code for his hosted referrer-listing system. I may install the backend code myself, but I don’t mind filtering my referrers…

  • First Evil gets a blog

    Fans of Buffy will probably get a kick out of The First’s Journal. Apparently the First Evil was broken up enough about (SPOILER) the death of her ur-vampire pet Turok-Han that he/she/it created a memorial page for the creature. “Beloved minion. Devoted pet. He raved and grred. A lot.”

  • The East Bay Gawker?

    Peter Merholz speculates about the applicability of the Gawker model to other cities: What would a Berkeley Gawker be? An Austin Gawker? Obviously, they’d take on the regional flava… I don’t think Berkeleyites would be nearly as obsessed with Prada and J. Lo (thankfully). Much as I’d love to help put out an Oakland weblogmagazine…

  • Textism preparing to release Textpattern

    Dean Allen announces that he is almost ready to release Textpattern, his long-promised web writing tool (or, if you prefer, CMS). While I’m afraid it will not enable me to write as well as he does (his predictions for 2003 are microstorytelling at its finest), Textpattern offers a feature set that has me drooling, and…