Category: Weblog Concepts
Migration project and priorities
As promised last week, I am going to start migrating some of my weblogs from tool to tool. I’m not doing this just to demonstrate the processes and the problems, but because I have had longstanding plans to do so as a matter of trying to rationalize (or refactor) my web presence a bit. My…
His marbles
Dave’s back, having made his point, rallying support for “mature leadership” against competing big companies and personal vendettas. That was fast.
Syndication list for developers
One tangible effect of the recent weblog format/syndication/api/archiving/interop debate recently is that Rogers Cadenhead has started a mailing list, the Site Syndication Format development list to discuss “ambiguities in the RSS 2.0 specification.” The goal is to develop a new specification from scratch … that clarifies or corrects these issues…. The members of the list…
Echo's out
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace. Jeremiah, 52:7 The Echo Project, née Sam Ruby’s wiki pie, needs (again) a new name. I’m warming up to Shelley Powers’ suggestion (Pubs) and Timothy Appnel’s suggestion (ESP).
How to backup and restore the world
I just added David Pollard’s How to Save the World weblog to my subscriptions. His blog is a nonstop source of fascinating thoughts about business, the web, society, and so on. He has also done some interesting analyses of Salon bloggers by traffic and interconnectedness. (Since Harry Potter will be knocking me out of Salon’s…
"I am content"
Dave Winer’s commitment to RSS is beyond doubt. In fact, he says he himself is content in an RSS container. He has also issued a broadminded endorsement of the Echo project, saying he’ll recommend Userland support it without, of course, backing off from RSS support.
Unsubscribing from Wi-fi News
Wi-Fi Networking News is a great example of a journalistic niche blog. Glenn Fleishman rules his beat and proves the concept. He’s the go-to guy for all things wi-fi. If I were writing an article on wi-fi I’d start with his blog and then ask him questions before I went practically anywhere else. But the…
BloggerThis! on Google toolbar
The beta version of the Google toolbar (PC only) includes a new BlogThis! button for posting directly to Blogger weblogs. Observes Dave Winer at Scripting News, “They probably could have worked with other tool vendors to provide a tool-agnostic Blog This capability.”
Sound an echo to sense
In the comment thread for Burningbird’s entry called Echo Project for Poets , Joe Shelby points out that “Echo is already a name for a product … that just released [a 1.0 version] under the LGPL license.” If the goal is to surmount pass squabbles, the Pie/Echo project should steer very clear of anything that…
MT license flap
The advent of TypePad has prompted renewed scrutiny of the terms in Six Apart’s license for Movable Type, specifically related to commercial uses of the product. A generally pro-MT take on the dispute can be found on MovableBlog, but it includes thorough links to the other sides of the argument.
Ecce Echo
The collaborative project to design a new vendor-neutral weblog format (edging toward the name Echo instead of the original placeholder, Pie) proceeds at a dizzy pace over at Sam Ruby’s wiki. For those of us unable to keep up with the multiple, distributed debates taking place ‘intertwingled’ all over the wiki, Shelley Powers has posted…
Blogger transition
If you have a blog at Blogger, you may have noticed some instability lately. It appears that the Pyra team at Google is in the process of switching most blogs over to “Dano” the beta of the new version of Blogger. Your interface will change and you’ll need to update your bookmarklets. There’s lots more…
Jan Haugland nominates David Harris for Googleslut of the century for temporarily renaming his blog Harry Potter 5 Summaries and News. Over 3000 hits this morning and counting….
A place to blow off steam
The Tude website is inviting bloggers to contribute articles (target length: 250 to 750 words) with attitude, about blogging or not. The idea is to provide a space for writing stuff that might not fit that well on your own blog.
Security patch for pMachine
The makers of pMachine have announced a security issue affecting pMachine Free and pMachine Pro versions 2.2 or 2.2.1. To fix the problem, pMachine users should download one of the two following files: pMachine Free patch pMachine Pro patch You will find two files in the download (inc.cp.php and inc.lib.php). Replace the two files you…
MacWorld blogware comparison
Scot Hacker’s weblog comparison article for MacWorld is now available: Putting Weblogs To Work (Blog Bonanza). The feature piece on comparative weblog systems I wrote for the July issue of MacWorld is now on newstands (page 76). A version of the article is online, but sans graphics and screenshots, sidebars, and feature comparison charts for…
Radio silence at
Continued technical difficulties at the Dreamweaver Savvy website (problems with Radio, the CMS I’m currently driving new home page updates) have caused me to temporarily roll back the home page to the old, ugly design, so at least there will be something there for visitors. Next I may have to manually ftp the new blog-based…
Talk about your text ads
Susannah Breslin’s efforts (on behalf of a loyal reader) to turn up a frontal shot of a female streaker has already yielded one slightly more revealing image. The cowgirl says “points of for pasties,” but I say points off for implants. Also, outing myself as a dyed-in-the-wool word freak, I’d like to see a picture…
Weee're back
Well, that took longer than expected. I’m still getting things re-configured and re-set up at ol’ Open Publishing / ezone / x-everything industries, but most of the sites are at least now visible, and I may hope that we’ve cured the hacked-so-easily problem we had going there. In the meantime, off the air, I found…
Salam dunk
Journalist Peter Maass confirms the suspicions of the “Salam is real” camp: Salam Pax Is Real – How do I know Baghdad’s famous blogger exists? He worked for me. Maybe this will help me convince my Kurdish friend Delshad that there’s an audience for more than just one Iraqi blogger?