Category: The Power of Many
How would you tag yourself?
The Blog Blog answers Jeff Jarvis’s question (“How would you tag yourself?”): That’s a tough question. So far all I can up with is watches TV, seems sort of high, A Jewish Lexington Steele, hungry, snowflake (I used to teach high school in Brooklyn), and Gina’s husband… But in the new world, I guess I…
Napsterization on real existing folksonomies
Quoting Tagging at Technorati, Flickr and Technorati’s new tags page has been getting lots of play in the blogosphere.. since it went live Thursday. It’s a brilliant idea, matching tags from, Flickr and blog post categories as they come through RSS feeds, and then displaying those photos together with posts that match. Of…
Self Documenting Technology
Just had to pop this link in here, also from Powers’ Burning Bird blog, as it goes to the heart of my sense of how we should all be (in general) helping each other and building up our knowledge stores in the moments of realization (Self Documenting Technology): Danny Ayers points to a Jon Udell…
Shelley Powers on digital identity
Quoting from I, URL: My first exposure to the concept of a ‘federated identity’, or a digital identity or ID if you will, was when I had to obtain one of the first Microsoft Passport identities in order to access the material I needed to finish my book, Developing ASP Components. I was pleased with…
Lazyweb: I wants my Podcast Guide
Dave sez Dave: “Open the pod bay doors please, Hal.” and it gets me thinking. Where is TV Guide for podcasting? Lazyweb: please cause there to be an excellent blog or wiki or folksonomically smart taglicious place online I can consult to help me filter which podcasts I might like to hear (so far I’ve…
NPR to podcast 'On the Media'
Quoting from Big podcasting news I went to WNYC today to tape an interview with Bob Garfield on vlogging for On The Media and they told me the big news: This week’s On The Media will be the first NPR show – maybe the first major radio show anywhere – that will be podcast. Cool.
Something wiki this way comes
OK, so you’re down with blogging? Great? What’s your wiki strategy? Blogs are great because logging, chronological entry-making, suits the temporal rhythms of the web, a medium more like music than, say, photography. Like a river, the web is always changing. So a wiki is kind of like a dam that enables you to accumulate…
More to Wikipedia than meets the eye
Quoting Simon Willison’s Some notes on Wikipedia: I’ve been driving myself crazy with coursework over the past couple of weeks, and since it’s always good to have something to take your mind off things I’ve also been spending a fair amount of time lurking around the beautifulWikipedia. Here are a few things about Wikipedia you…
More to Wikipedia than meets the eye
Quoting Simon Willison’s Some notes on Wikipedia: I’ve been driving myself crazy with coursework over the past couple of weeks, and since it’s always good to have something to take your mind off things I’ve also been spending a fair amount of time lurking around the beautifulWikipedia. Here are a few things about Wikipedia you…
Shirky's response to Danah Boyd on the recent Wikipedia debate
Andy Baio says (in Shirky’s response to Danah Boyd on the recent Wikipedia debate): Clay on Danah on Clay on Sanger; a great debate Definitely an interesting discussion but I wonder if we are making a category error here. Talking about wikipedia in terms of its authoritativeness seems a bit like mistaking the NCSA What’s…
Here come the reputation brokers
Quoting from Are You Reputable? by Jed Miller (blogging at Personal Democracy Forum): Media research company Bacon’s Information says it will be watching “the most reputable online news blogs” in order to help their subscribers “determine the possible impact on business decisions and company reputations.” The Bizwire announcement doesn’t specify quite how they’ll decide who’s…
Om Malik's Live Journal scoop
It ain’t April Fools, so I’m assuming Om is correct with his web excloo at Om Malik on Broadband:
Business blogging gaining mindshare
Quoting from Electronic Business – Blogs for business? – 1/1/2005 – Electronic Business – CA489801: The hullabaloo surrounding the blog has obscured what it is. It’s not complex—it’s simply a Web site that lets its owner (and anyone to whom that owner gives permission) post comments, links to other Web sites and documents, all without…
Pew says blogs growing
According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, blog readership went way up in 2004. A January report using November data says: 27% of adult U.S. Internet users read blogs (up from 17% in February). The number of blog readers is increasing faster than the number of blog creators. 12% have posted or commented…
Lessig to revise book by wiki
This spring, Lawrence Lessig will try to get his 1999 book Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace updated by wiki for paper publication later in the year. He’s inviting volunteers to serve as “Chapter Captains”; Lessig will donate his advance and royalties to Creative Commons. (Link via The Volokh Conspiracy.)
Another piece of Mizzen
Reading Building an Address Book as a Modern Web App, I see that deus x has brought up another major facet of the personal social-network web app I’m speccing out in my mind: So, in the spirit of pico-projects, I’ve started building that address book application I mentioned awhile ago and I want to start…
The Graphing Calculator Story
In The Graphing Calculator Story, the author explains how a useful software utility for the Macintosh PowerPC was developed (almost) entirely by stealth: I view the events as an experiment in subverting power structures. I had none of the traditional power over others that is inherent to the structure of corporations and bureaucracies. I had…
Craigwatch: Newsweek calls craigslist 'a sleeping giant'
Quoting from Susan Mernit’s blog: Ever see someone you know get really famous for what they’ve accomplished?It’s definitely happening to Craig, whose Craigslist has the media marveling. The latest story, in Newsweek, has a clever pix of Craig with “Where the Wild Things Are” fuzzy feet.Quote: “…The list is a sleeping economic giant that’s already…
'The Long Tail' (book and the blog)
Quoting from The Long Tail the book and the blog: Chris Anderson is writing a book about The Long Tail which started as one of my favorite articles that he wrote for Wired. He has also started a blog about the Long Tail. The original article is online at Wired.
Social book recommendations
Books We Like is trying to build a community of book-recommenders, and offers price-comparison shopping for recommended books. This is a good step in the direction of collabortive review communities. I often want to write about a book I’m reading on my blog but I’m frustrated by the impoverished data structure (cue Marc Canter, et…
Exley praises his shortcomings
Christian posted a long quote from the Berkman School living-web wonkfest last week. At that, Kerry online honcho Zach Exley told everyone that Kerry-Edwards focused too much on means and not enough on ends: The Democrats had no shortage of goatee-chinned web designers, but they were trounced by the Republicans’ superior top-down organization. “The difference…