Category: The Power of Many
Joi finds the edge of Orkut
Joi Ito fills up his Orkut dance card, wonders what happens after “game over” (The edge of Orkut): I just got the following message on Orkut. Limit reached for number of friends You have 1024 friends. You can only have up to 1000 friends. Before you can add more friends, you need to remove friends.…
Ed Cone on local alternative media
Quoting from Greensboro sees birth of new alternative media: A new kind of alternative press is emerging in Greensboro. The writers are local people who publish at their own Web sites. As individuals, these bloggers offer reporting and commentary that is useful, provocative and addictive. Collectively, they are building what could become the most important…
OhmyNews interview with Gillmor
When we both get a moment free I’m going to interview Dan Gillmor about his new venture for the Power of Many weblog. In the meantime, this interview in Quoting from OhmyNews International gives some insight into what he’s got in mind: One of the great things about the democratization of media is that people…
Susan Mernit on 43 things
Quoting from Digging 43 things: The 10 minutes I was going to spend on the 43 Things beta from robot coop turned into 45 somehow. This list-maker from a new company formed by a bunch of Amazon’s personalization wizards has a social network aspect and a team or groups component that are both cool. I’m…
VoodooPad 2.0 is out
draft notes in progress (based theory of publishing entire process): i am “saddened” to quote Tom Daschle to feel that I must mention that VoodooPad isn’t paying me to blog about it!* VoodooPad. You put your brain in it. That’s the short explanation. If you are familiar with Wikis, then go ahead and delete all…
Citzen's media on the local level
Quoting from Washington Post Examines Citzen’s Media Big day for citizen journalism. Peg notes that Leslie Walker writes in today’s Washington Post that several notable ventures have launched or raised money this year to create local news sites online in which readers contribute all or most of the news. Profiled… NorthwestVoice Advance Internet Backfence…
Missing the conference / not missing the conference
Although my personal life wouldn’t permit yet another east coast trip at this moment (I was there in the summer and the fall and I’m headed there for the holidays as well), it sounds like the Internet ‘n’ society conference going on at Harvard this weekend would have been a nice one to make it…
Wiki spam
I suppose wiki spam is inevitable. I’ve set up the wiki part of this site to be fairly open to changes to encourage readers and visitors to interact, but now for the second time a spammer has dropped a bunch of links to some Chinese websites onto the pages (Recent Changes). It’s not hard for…
Email and Browser URL Extraction and Search via a Personal
I think Jeremy Zawodny’s onto something big here. I’ll have to add a link to my “why not tag everything” post too, because I think it’s part of the same picture (Email and Browser URL Extraction and Search via a Personal A few minutes ago, I needed to send a note to Russell about…
Gillmor leaving the Merc to found citizen journalism project
Quoting from “We the Media” Author Has New Venture at Personal Democracy Forum (by Micah L. Sifry): The biggest news I have to report so far from Harvard’s “Votes, Bits and Bytes” conference is that Dan Gillmor–one of the first mainstream journalists to get the new dynamics of Internet-powered democracy–is quitting his job at the…
D.I.Y. journalism
Quoting Matt Haughey (A Whole Lotta Nothing: Don’t just read the news, make it): A few months ago, I was thinking about all the questions I wished I could ask someone that helped develop the TiVo user interface, and then I realized there was nothing stopping me from just emailing and asking. After a bit…
The Flickr News Network
Quoting from Is Flickr the Next Media Giant?: Wired News: When bombs went off in Jakarta, Indonesia, in September, readers weren’t the first to know. Instead, members of Flickr, an online photo service, were among the very earliest to see pictures of what had happened. “There were photos on Flickr before even any news…
Scoble explains how trust can be contagious in groups
Quoting from The trust network at dinner with an author that I didn’t know (in Scobleizer): How do you learn to trust/like/love someone new in your life? Tonight I was at a dinner of about a dozen people. I was asked not to blog the dinner. But, I only knew three of the people there.…
How to Save the World gives us a nod
Writing a book by blogging it
Robert Scoble and Shel Israel have started a blog called The Red Couch on the MSN Spaces platform and are using it to write a book together with the collaboration of their readers.
Froogle wishlists added to Blogger profiles
Quoting from Waxy Links: Froogle wishlists added to Blogger profiles: that’s synergy, people!
The Culture of Connectedness
Quoting from Emerging Media Audiences: The Culture of Connectedness: This blog is about the intersection of tech-enabled social networking and emerging media audiences. Technology is pulling together personal networks of people for more persistent connectedness and giving them tools for creating and sharing content. Meanwhile, most media companies are grappling with how to capture and…
Hunting for work via eBay
Professional weblogger Jeremy Wright has figured out that an eBay auction and a press release may do a better job of advertising his availability than a listing at (Investor’s Business Daily: Breaking News).
Blogger dinner in Berkeley, Thursday, December 2
Not sure if it’s appropriate to add semi-public events to, so I’ll just mention this dinner here. I plan to be there, perhaps with some copies of the book in the trunk of my car. Blogger Dinner Thursday, Dec 2 in Berkeley, 7pm: 7pm At Beckett’s. 2271 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley. (510) 647-1790 Doc Searls…
Firefox taking the Web by storm
If Dori at Backup Brain is right, a large chunk of the tech-support generation have installed Firefox on their parent’s computers over Thanksgiving or will do so during the coming Christmas / Hannukah / Solstice holiday, tipping the new browser war just a little more away from Microsoft’s IE. For anyone trying to learn how…
Blogging the Ukraine revolution
If you want direct reportage from the Ukraine on their election crisis, then don’t miss this Ukraine Revolution weblog. This post includes a link to a “smoking gun” MP3 sound file documenting plans for vote fraud: Voice records containing voices of members of Yanukovich head-quarters and government discussing the methods and ways of falsification were…