Category: The Power of Many
Localized social-network services
Brian Dear has noticed a trend among new social network services (brianstorms weblog: Going Local): There’s a lot of activity in the social-network-based local listings recommendations arena right now. Think “friendster meets epinions meets”. … InsiderPages and Judy’s Book are social networks (notice the emphasis on “friends helping friends”) geared at trusted recommendations of…
'Of By and For' hosts live event this Friday
Bart Decrem, the producer of a political discussion site called Of, By and For, a site launched by Mitch Kapor (founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation), Joe Costello (who worked on the Dean campaign) and Decrem (head of marketing for the Mozilla project) writes: This Friday, we are hosting our first live audio event and…
How does Technorati's BookTalk work?
We need to be on this list: Technorati: BookTalk. I see that Technorati is displaying Amazon links. I wonder if their system counts links to a book’s home page and its Amazon page as two different books? Then there’s the problem that my preferred domain name for this book,, currently resolves to x-pollen/many or…
Current rankings
#2 in Computers & Internet > Digital Business & Culture > Culture (right behind Joe Trippi’s The Revolution Will Not Be Televised) #18 in Computers & Internet > Networking > Internet, Groupware, & Telecommunications > Internet Publishing #176 in Nonfiction > Politics > General (I don’t know why Amazon categorized this under Business & Investing…
Spam-style multilevel viral marketing
I just got sent an invitation to FreeFlixTix by a friend and as I poke around the site it’s clear to me that the whole thing is a giant spam address collector by its very nature. I wish she hadn’t used my “friends and family” address. :(
Does this website make me look technical?
A friend and mentor of mine in local East Bay politics took a look at the website for this book and told me it gave him the impression that the book was quite technical. While the book deals with technology, it focuses squarely on people and how they interact and work together in groups to…
hochan.NET reading list
I’m seeing some traffic coming in from an blog entry at hochan.NET that also lists Gillmor’s We the Media, The New Media Reader, A Pattern Language, The Great Good Place, Trippi’s The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, and The Healing Power of Doing Good. I’d be much obliged if a ChineseKorean-reader could tell me what…
Peer-to-peer sex education
From Ftrain I found this link to a sex wiki that calls itself “the Internet’s first wiki on sex.” This might make a good test-case for whole authority-of-wiki references debate. Will it spread disinformation or will it incrementally begin to give better information than other sources online or off? In other wiki news, Wikipedia has…
Tracking back
I meant to note a week or so ago that Cam Barrett, one of the prominent first-wave bloggers who played an important role in the Clark campaign and has now worked for the Kerry campaign as well was one of the speakers at the IMHO panel I attended with Liza Sabater while I was in…
YA clueless SNS
I received a spam invitation to join a SNS, but then they wouldn’t let me in…
Who am I?
I just updated the about the author page at this website.
Help wanted
The time has come to launch this site for real, after all the pre-launches and decloakings and other ramping-ups. I’ve finally got all the sections nearly looking the same, but I could use some help from a PHP maven since I’ve got a blog and a wiki combined at this site and a few of…
The power of radio, part two
I also spoke to Scott McFarland on the Michigan Talk Radio network, syndicated to 28 stations in Michigan on Friday. It will air today (Saturday) but I’m not sure when. He got into some interesting areas related to meeting people online, job searching, and just generally overcoming the stereotype of the Internet as an antisocial…
Public vs. private: decision time for the fringe
The Anti-Defamation League has an article online titled “The Quiet Retooling of the Militia Movement”. It includes a section about how the far right is learning to fine-tune the protection of their own privacy and publicity—basically, learning the lessons of public speech through the classroom of Internet: The more recent resurgence of activity has attracted…
Craig in the Times
I had the opportunity to meet my publicist Susannah Greenberg face to face yesterday (she treated me to a drink at the Rink Bar at Rockefeller Center, where we managed to catch a few breezes in this stifling New York heat), and she told me about this article in the New York Times from earlier…
The Power of radio
I just taped a ten-minute interview with Jim Asendio of WLIU, a Long Island public radio station, that will air between 9 and 10 am this coming Monday (September 13). We covered a lot of ground in that time. Jim asked some excellent questions and we ranged from talking about the fast-pacing changes in the…
DailyKos beats Fox on the Web
Chris Bowers at MyDD notes that blogs are competitive with cable news websites: Over the past thirty-one days, the ten most trafficked political blogs, Dailykos, Instapundit, Atrios, Josh Marshall, Little Green Footballs, Wonkette, Political Animal, Teagan Goddard, Captain’s Quarters and Real Clear Politics (listed in no particular order), totaled just over 28,000,000 unique visits. This…
TxTMOB powered protests at the RNC
Patrick Di Justo writes about TxTMOB in the New York Times (Protests Powered by Cellphone: As thousands of protesters marched through Manhattan during the Republican National Convention last week, some were equipped with a wireless tactical communications device connected to a distributed information service that provided detailed and nearly instantaneous updates about route changes, street…
Portland blogger-journalist arouses politician's ire
During the RNC, b!X sent me a link to this entry on his Portland Communique blog: Tim Hibbitts Requests ‘Retraction’ And/Or ‘Clarification’: So consider their request fulfilled. You have his quote, and you have all of our characterizations of it. Feel free to weigh-in on the controversy in the comments here. While, as we stated…
Deals vs. dates
Judith Meskill notes an article at called What Are Friends For (Relationship-Capital Management – The Social Software Weblog – Deals vs. dates? Is that the difference between and, say, Not really. But it is the difference between a LinkedIn, Visible Path, Spoke, or Ryze and the top dating sites. The Social…
Dancing in the street
Hard to know exactly how to characterize this but cognitive dissident John Perry Barlow has been leading revelers through a series of public dance mobs in the vicinity of the Republican convention (Dancarchy Reigns!) He seems happy with the results so far: Republicans were hard to encounter at first. They are being quarantined behind the…