Category: The Power of Many
Happy pub date
Today is the official publication date for the book. w00t! It will take a few weeks, though, for it to appear on most shelves. My mother has already asked me to drop by her neighborhood Barnes & Noble to make sure they’ll put it in the window.
Friendster not into interpersonal communication?
Joyce Park has been fired from Friendster and assumes it’s because she blogged about her work. Ross Mayfield has a good, short take on who Park is, how it happened and, more importantly, where the implications are when a YASNS fires a blogger: There are so many threads in this to be explored. Employee blogging…
Webfeed tracking still lags comments on how general search engines still don’t do a good job of keeping up to date with incremental changes (most likely by scanning webfeeds) in The Daily Internet: The kind of searches I regularly do on Feedster and Technorati just aren’t available on Google. No amount of fiddling with the advanced search options,…
Technorati revamps its politics section for the RNC
I was IMing with Dave Sifry last night (we’re both in New York for the RNC – he’s credentialed with CNN and I’m going commando). He showed me the new Election Watch 2004 page at Technorati. It tracks rising and falling mentions of sites, offers blogger commentary of various ilks side by side, and now…
Olympians not allowed to blog, but would they anyhow?
According to AP via CNN, Olympians are prohibited from publishing their own stories and pictures. In fact, CNN’s headline said “largely barred from blogging”, but that implies that preventive measures are being taken; in fact, the IOC says that it hasn’t done anything to enforce the ban. Athletes may be the center of attention at…
Social networking manifesto
Here are the main heads from Stuart Henshall’s Manifesto for Social Networking Required at his Unbound Spiral blog: It’s my Network I own it. Social networks should empower people. I am my own hub. Ease data exchange My Blog is Better at Networking Create Markets for Connectivity Adopt user centric models Encourage Face to Face…
Voting as a social act
I enjoyed reading Louis (didn’t they call him Luke when he taught literature in New Jersey?) Menand in the New Yorker on how voters decide who to vote for: […] Voters go into the booth carrying the imprint of the hopes and fears, the prejudices and assumptions of their family, their friends, and their neighbors.…
About twice as many people have no political views as have a coherent political belief system.
[…] Man may not be a political animal, but he is certainly a social animal. Voters do respond to the cues of commentators and campaigners, but only when they can match those cues up with the buzz of their own social group. Individual voters are not rational calculators of self-interest …
Taming wiki templates (paging mathowie)
In the about page at, Matt Haughey explains how he wrangled phpwiki into shape to present an elegant, functional, standard-compliant site. I have even lower standards. I just want to get the wiki pages currently at to look like the rest of the site, and the templates that create phpwiki pages appear to…
Book tour about to begin in NY
I’m heading to New York this Saturday night so I can cover the Republican National Convention for this (and a few other) weblogs and then, after the Labor Day weekend, help support the official publication launch of the book. The book will be available in stores starting September 1, but we are timing the publicity…
More support for tracking the living web
Om Malik reports that Technorati has taken a(nother?) round of VC funding: Om Malik on Broadband: Technorati gets fed VC dollars Over on the wiki tip, Ross Mayfield’s been blogging about SocialText’s successfully completed round of funding as well. Remember, as soon as everyone catches on to blogs, you can hit them with “do you…
I've got XFN all wrong
Tantek emailed me to point me to some responses to Clay Shirky’s mockery of XFN. I’ve been meaning to post a follow-up, since my headline was so snarky, and I’ve been busy working on this website and preparing for my trip to New York for the RNC and it’s been getting away from me, but…
Escape from Multiply
In Weblogsky: Divide and Subtract, jonl, who sent me my first invitation into Multiply, contemplates leaving it entirely: Finally, today, I decided that Multiply really does suck, so I killed some of my data there and tried to find a way out. Finding none, I posted this image as my headshot (and you’re welcome to…
OK, forget XFN. Now what?
In Many-to-Many: XFN Relationships Clay Shirky convinces me that XFN is wack. But can we just pick a model and let people experiment with it? I don’t care if it’s FOAF or XFN or PeopleAggritude or whatever. What’s the best way to build out and model the part of my network I want to be…
Still working out my events calendar
Uh, I should have noted before today that I am speaking at N-TEN : 2004 San Francisco Regional Conference tomorrow (Friday, August 20), on the topic “What is Blogging and Why Should I Care?” or something to that effect. I;ve got to do a better job of alerting the public about my upcoming speaking events,…
We don't need no steenking YASNS
While discussing Multiply on the Well, I was prompted to spew out my current thinking on digital identity and portable networks and what I wrote earned a “Nice rant, dude” from bumbaugh so I’ve included it here for the archives:
Book Tour: October in Austin
Now that review copies have been sent out to the first wave of media we are starting to get calls for in-studio appearances in New York around the time of the book’s launch (September 1). So the book tour is going to start there in New York in the end of August. I’ll stay in…
More qualms about Multiply
Apparently there’s yet another social network manager now. I received an invitation to join it from 3 people so far. Two of them are male, one isn’t and has never evidenced an inclination to be identified as such that I’m aware. The invitation read: Molly has added you as his contact on Multiply so he…
Neighborhoods, physical and virtual
Keith Hampton has announced the launch of i-neighbors, a set of free web services for neighborhoods in Canada and the US inspired by the research into the connection between virtual and f2f communities done by himself and Barry Wellman. With their software you can Meet and communicate with your neighbors. Find neighbors with similar interests.…
Blogging a social network experience
Cliff Figallo, whom I’ve met via the Well and our blog conference there (likely to “graduate” from being an independent conference to a featured conference, next month, if current trends hold) is blogging his experience trying to use LinkedIn for business networking, in a Blogger-driven site called Working Linkedin.
A nonfiction book that explores how ordinary people are using online social networking to locate others who share their interests and kindle face-to-face communication
About this book, as of 2004-08-14