Tag: done

  • Designing Social Interfaces Web 2.0 Expo workshop slides

    Social Patterns Talk – Web 2.0 version View more presentations from Erin Malone.

  • and on Friday

    I practiced chord forms (E, A) up the neck I cleaned the bathroom, specifically the toilet, but used too much of the spray stuff so the room was thick with it and the floor is now sticky. I spent most of the day digging through a year’s worth of unfiled stuff in my room /…

  • I felt busy…

    …but it looks like I didn’t get as much done yesterday as I had intended: Thursday, February 3 dropped off rent practiced changes to “Friend is a Four-Letter Word” by Cake Scales and modes, pick and fingering exercises Practiced harmonized scales (D form, E form, A form) I must have forgotten to note something, though.

  • Yesterday

    Feeling productive: Wednesday, February 2 work on modes practice melody licks on guitar get money order for jazzfest tickets blog about state of the onion chat chat about the state of the onion iChat AV w/dad (birthday) make petrale sole with sauce bercy and salad and baguette

  • Songs in the key of January

    A random sample of stuff done this year excluding confidences, of course: Wednesday, February 2 worked on modes practice melody licks on guitar IMd with culture kitchen diva Liza Sabater Tuesday, February 1 paid for Moon over Briones picture grocery shop leftover soup for dinner play guitar and uke with Dan try, but fail, to…

  • In the air above Vegas

    Before my batteries run out, I think I’ll get caught up on “what I’ve been doing all week,” especially since I’m only getting busier. I’m currently on a plane headed for San Antonio with a stopover in Vegas. I’m going to a joint regional and national conference of the American Culture Association / Popular Culture…

  • That falling-behind feeling

    Don’t know how much longer I can keep up this pace. It seems like my obligations keep mounting, but I am trying to keep up and stay balanced. Monday I discovered the chords for Ripple are also just G C D Am (a subset of the chords used in Uncle John’s Band). I sorted out…

  • Catching up

    I’m still not logging my things done each day but I’m starting to get to it in less than a week, so that’s something. Thursday I started an email interview with Levi, found the tab for Syd Barrett’s “Evervescing Elephant” on the web and transposed it for my ukulele, put out the garbage and the…

  • Yesterday

    Did first scan of peer-review comments on Ch 3 8:30 Talked to my editor to synch up on priorities 8:50 Phoned Fox media rep, left message 9:15 Called Nicholas to plan for Dead conference Called Arthur to discuss digital studio plans, and to get his mobile number recorded Left JAC a message to find out…

  • If I don't remember, who will?

    If you thought I was busy before, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Actually, I heard a good new impromptu expression form Outlandish Josh the other day that I’m sure I’ll find myself repeating. I asked him if he was busy and he said yes, he was busy, but “flexible busy.” A week ago Monday I…

  • Last week

    Monday I invited some potential speakers for the upcoming Waterside conference this April, had lunch with Phil Wolff and interviewed him for my book, and then deal with a flat tire on Eve. I wasn’t carrying my insurance company’s roadside help card, so I called B (on Phil’s cell phone) and asked her to call…

  • X-POLLEN design maintenance

    X-POLLEN design maintenance DONE add comments links – 10 DONE add rss modules DONE fix CSS problems THE BANNER THAT WASN’T WORKING: +-+—-+ |B| | +-+blog| |s|body| |i| | |d| | |e| | +-+ | | | | | +—-+ Here was the offending CSS code (though I should probably include the sidebar code it…