Tag: personal expression platform

  • orkut groups are teh suck

    orkut is still pointless but at least now the friends you see on your home page are random intead of nine princes in amber. now i’m paring down my communities, most of them have little or no action or real point at all: it’s kind of like a patchwork quilt or the ersatz coat of…

  • Jewels and binoculars

    Freaky software malfunctions are currently making it nearly impossible for me to reply to email in the normal way, so if you need to hear back from me soonly, try calling me. If you don’t have my number or don’t know anyone who does, then that’s probably just as well. There’s a weird dislocating feeling,…

  • The great renaming I: the switcheroo

    Once consequence of my “damn the torpedoes” approach to web presence is blundering ahead and trying stuff without knowing what the final shape will need to be. I hope to learn from the consequences and if my tools make the work malleable enough and I pay attention, things will keep getting closer to what I…

  • Announcing monolog

    So Dan asks me if there’s any way he can keep up with my blog postings all in one place, instead of scattered over numerous sites depending on whether it’s a journal entry, something to do with the arts, political, random and briefly noted, or experimental (I’m probably forgetting something). Well, now there is. It…

  • Memory transplants

    Well, I bit the bullet, installed some perl modules and migrated over the entries in my LiveJournal, bodega, from January through October of 2002 (and a single entry from June of this year) to this X-POLLEN weblog. I’ve been doing a bunch of migrations moving other sites from Radio to Movable Type and from Blogger…

  • Testing, testing

    OK, someone managed to ping my trackback ping metablog, so once again I’m trying to ping it myself. This post may disappear.