Category: Musicology
links for 2007-07-25 AntiPatterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures, and Projects in Crisis: Books: William J. Brown,Raphael C. Malveau,Thomas J. Mowbray ya patterns book (tags: patterns antipatterns book software projects) Patterns-discussion FAQ excellent faq on patterns, focused on software desgin but more widely applicable for the most part (tags: patterns design-patterns design)
links for 2007-07-19 > web > web economy bullshit generator subject says it all (tags: generator bullshit humor web fun business funny economy)
links for 2007-07-18
Impression formation in blogging communities | Orient Lodge aldon’s been on a tear lately, analyzing social networks, public identity, mybloglog and so on (tags: recommendations reputation identity mybloglog presence) Managing online identities | Orient Lodge the perennial problem of managing proliferating online identities examined (tags: identity openid foaf presence) 20 Ways To Aggregate Your Social…
Multitouch OS X video iPod coming?
AppleInsider | Multi-touch video iPods to arrive in August – report: >During a private meeting last month, Apple’s traditionally tight-lipped chief executive Steve Jobs all but broke the silence on the future of the video iPod. Speaking to employees at the Apple Town Hall, he said a division of the company was hard at work…
links for 2007-07-11
The Conversational Sketching Toolkit / nForm / Blog Another gift to the UX community from Jess McMullin and nform: “I call our approach conversational sketching, because the point isn’t to draw the solution, it’s to give people a tool to talk about their needs and perspective.” (tags: stakeholders design ia sketching conversationalsketching techniques templates stencils…
links for 2007-07-03
Comment Challenge plugin: Download, installation and configuration maybe this will help stop the spam (tags: blog blogging blogs movabletype mt plugins spam plugin reference) Excluding Categories in Movable Type want to move my delicious links out of the main stream of the blog (antikottke) (tags: blog blogging mt movabletype categories plugin plugins reference) scriptygoddess »…