Category: Blogosphere
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(Some) people who subscribe to Radio Free Blogistan also subscribe to these "similar" feeds.
Proposal for comment spammers
Why not just buy some Google AdSense AdWords or whatever they’re called? Use the same search terms you found my old post with. That’s what the ads are for. Then we all get paid, man.
There should be a blog called 'Joe Bloggs'
Not surprisingly, there are currently on the first page of Google results for joe bloggs. One from 2002 and one from 2003. There are a lot of businesses called Joe Bloggs too.
New bloggie nominations are up
Mostly the usual suspects were nominatied for the
What used to be vices are now habits
Over a Joi Ito’s new multiauthor We Quit Drinking weblog, Halley Suitt recommends replacing the vice of drinking with a “better habit”: masturbation. From a hair of the dog to hairy palms. Sounds like a good trade to me.
Casting call for reality blog
Wasn’t there a web soap opera called “the Spot” or something like that back around 1996 or ’97? It’s déjà vu all over again now with The BIG Blog Show! which calls itself The Internet’s First Reality Blog. What’s a reality blog? Glad you asked. "What happens when you take a bunch of webloggers from…
Santa blogs
Merry Christmas! Naturally, Santa has a weblog: Santa’s Blog.
John Perry Barlow has a blog
Grateful Dead lyricist, EFF co-founder and general cyberspace theorist John Perry Barlow (he also calls himself a “cognitive dissident”) has, at long last, started a weblog: BarlowFriendz. Now if we can just get Robert Hunter, who’s been keeping a great online journal – on and off – since 1996, an RSS feed and Dead Heads…
Don't believe the hype
I’ve been noticing a new metablog in the referrer logs for RFB lately, Weblog Hype. While our five person staff here is coasting through the end-of-year holiday season with a scant few posts per week, “the Editor” at Hype is doing a great job of covering weblog news left and right. For example, I opened…
Bruce Sherin has a weblog
Bruce Sherin, one of the funniest people I’ve ever met (and that’s saying a lot), has a new weblog with the incredibly original name Bruce Sherin’s Weblog. Back in 1995, Bruce created Dr. Kovaks’ MicroWeb for Enterzone. I was surprised to see that someone had actually blogged the I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter question…
BlogShares was fun while it lasted
Seyed Razavi announces that he is closing down BlogShares, since the effort to maintain it became unsustainable. So you can take the “listed on BlogShares” badge off your weblog any time now. [via Buzzmachine]
An erudite law blogger
I stumbled across an incredibly well written and thoughtful weblog lately, called unbillable hours. The author (TPB, Esq.) includes a long and entertaining biography that gives you a good idea of his education, cultural influences, and experiences – all of which inform his writing, which ranges from silly to serious. (His takedown of Kim du…
Secret Santa for bloggers
Sign up at Secret Santa to give and receive.
What social software is Joi?
Had big fun at Joi Ito’s dinner in San Francisco last night. The restaurant, LuLu, printed up special menus for the occasion. Of course I stupidly forgot to grab myself one. I did take a bunch of digiphotos and maybe some of them even came out. I’ll post them sometime today. Too bad Zack Rosen…
Comment spam daily
Does any one have any idea why someone would post a random comment on this blog featuring a link to Who would that benefit? It makes no sense to me. Once again, though, I feel compelled to acknowledge that Jay Allen’s MT-blacklist rocks.
Africa blogging
Over at BuzzMachine, I just noticed, Jeff Jarvis is linking to some blogs from Africa: Africa blogs: Since I’m a blog internationalist, often linking to Iranian, Iraqi, and German blogs, a reporter emailed me this morning asking whether there were blogs from (or about) Africa. I follow a few and I followed the links on…
Song for Ben and Mena
Shannon Campbell wrote a song called Your Own Dot Org for Ben and Mena Trott (the founders of Six Apart) at the behest of Joi Ito. You can download it from Shannon’s site, Pet Rock Star. Here’s the chorus: you’re unbelievably adorably cute benevolent, witty, and brilliant to boot you’re a stupid fool with your…
Bitchy sells
Susan Mernit has an interesting theory about why there are so many more men than women in the lists of most linked-to blogs. Men are more willing, she says, to be opinionated and controversial: Guys rant on about politics, a topic the news junkies love. Women strive to be smart and insightful, but except for…
That's right, the women are smarter
David Weinberger echoes Halley Suitt in asking why there are only three women among the top 100 blogs listed at Blogstreet: Halley wonders why maybe 3 of the top 100 bloggers are women: It’s clear that the top male bloggers are not denying women their blogroll inks, for the most part. It’s clear that the…
Sociotechnical problems to come
Shelley Powers has resurfaced with a photo essay at Burningbird called I Feel Good. She covers a lot of ground, but this prediction jumped out at me: Next year is going to be a very bad year for the Net, and every weblogger, no matter who you’re hosted with, had better be ready to have…
Happy birthday, mamamusings
One of my favorite weblogs is having its first blogiversary today: One year. Four hundred and thirty-nine entries. One thousand, five hundred and forty-six comments. (Thanks for being the first, Joi!) Over fourteen thousand page views per month. An entire world of new friends and colleagues. A changed life…. [mamamusings] Hard to believe Lawley’s only…