Category: Blogosphere

  • Assessing blog authority

    Summarizing from How To Measure A Blogger’s Popularity And Reach: The Big Jump – Robin Good’ Sharewood Tidings: Check her Technorati standing. [F]ind out (not always possible, but you can also ask directly) how many subscribers the online publication has. Check whether the person makes her traffic statistics publicly viewable. Do some basic Google searches…

  • For all your Pope-blogging needs

    What the world needs now is a Pope blog, and gratefully here it is: The Pope Blog: Pope Benedict XVI. As for myself, I have composed a little ditty to celebrate the occasion.

  • George Hotelling sees Gopher's shadow

    My favorite April Fool’s site so far this morning (via Waxy Links)

  • Sifry's state of the blogosphere report

    Part two talks about posting volume and the accompanying graphic (Sifry’s Alerts) illustrates some interesting spikes. Be sure to check out the entire series.

  • Harry Shearer guestblogging at TPM

    Shearer’s turn on Talking Points Memo while Josh Marshall is off getting married will be a welcome relief from Dean-hater Chait (the most recent guest).

  • Bruce Sterling gets a new perspective on SXSW

    Quoting from The Austin Chronicle: Screens: Get Visionary With Me Here, by Bruce Sterling, who is hosting the closing party once again, though not, this year, at his house: You know the way bloggers go ape when they discover a gay prostitute in the White House press corps? It’s just like that, except with beer.