Category: Event blogging

  • BT intent on his monitor

    BT intent, originally uploaded by xian. A snapshot of the evening entertainment last night at Yahoo! for the kickoff of the iPhoneDevCamp 3.

  • Slides from Designing Social Interfaces at IA Summit 2009

    Erin Malone and I introduced some of the fruit of our effort to carve out a pattern language for social user experience design. At the Information Architecture Summit in Memphis this past week we taught our pattern library workshop and then delivered this tandem presentation: Designing Social Interfaces View more presentations from Erin Malone.

  • south by, in a nutshell

    south by, in a nutshell this is a screenshot of a sampling of the tweets about the core conversation i did with erin malone re social design patterns. there was one that said we weren’t prepared and were just promoting our book, too. i do wish we had explicated an example pattern. the summit talk…

  • Open Hackday 08 begins

    hackday stage Originally uploaded by xian. I’m going to name the robots Foo and Bar. We still haven’t announced the musical act that will be performing on this stage tonight. So far I’ve heard Cody Simms and Neal Sample (Cody and Neal, hmmm….) give a great overview of YOS (with great visuals by Micah Laaker),…

  • Ignite was fun

    My Ignite talk, Grasping Social Patterns Originally uploaded by duncandavidson. Here are my slides. | View | Upload your own Audio when it’s available (video too). UPDATE: and here’s some YouTube video shot from the audience (the very beginning of my talk is cut off):

  • Three talks for the price of, well, none

    At the IA Summit a week ago in Miami, I co-taught two full-day workshops (on patterns with Erin Malone and Lucas Pettinati, and social design with Christina Wodtke and Joshua Porter), moderated a panel (on presence and other aspects of social web architecture with Gene Smith, Wodtke, Andrew Hinton, and Andrew Crow), and gave a…

  • Talk back to presenters with Ted Nadeau's patented* Reaction Deck 1.0

    At South by Southwest, Ted Nadeau and I led a “core conversation” on the topic of reputation, identity, and presence. Ted is great at questioning basic assumptions and had this idea of handing out placards an audience of participants could use to signal their reactions to what was being said to them. We imagine double-sided…

  • If I have to appear in Valleywag this is the way to go

    Started off Saturday morning with Kick ’08. Namedropping: Talked to George Kelly, Erin Malone, Anil Dash, Jessamyn West (yay!), Simon Willison, Owen Thomas, Hugh Forrest, Micah Alpern (briefly, passing on the escalator), Janna Hicks DeVylder so far….

  • I'm speaking on presence and reputation with Ted Nadeau at SxSW

    If you’re interested in social web design, how to model identity, presence, and reputation, and how to create and align incentives with the behaviors you wish to encourage in your online community, then join Ted Nadeau and me for a Core Conversation on the topic of “Online Identity: And I *do* give a damn about…

  • Sisters are doing it for themselves

    At BarCamp Block I first heard about plans for She’s Geeky, a tech (un)conference for women by women. Immediately, I was intrigued. It sounds like a great idea, I love the title, and the organizers are some of the coolest folk I’ve met on the geek circuit. One of the prime movers is Kaliya Identity…

  • Getting fired up for IDEA 2007

    I regretted not being able to attend the first-ever IDEA conference last year in Seattle and I was thrilled when the organizers decided to hold the second IDEA conference in New York City, my home town, at the legendary Parsons School of Design. IDEA has already in one year established a reputation for bringing big-idea…

  • Reputation and Patterns at SXSW

    Here’s my obligatory plug for my South by Southwest proposals. I’ve got two panels in contention at the cool-but-unwieldy Panel Picker, so I thought I’d provide some shortcuts here. A lot of folks feel that there are too many panels at SXSW and not enough solo presenters. I tend to agree, but I think the…

  • BarCamp virgin here – be gentle

    Two years after the first BarCamp (an ad hoc unconference formed initially in response to O’Reilly’s Foo Camp, I’m finally planning to make it to one, this weekend’s BarCampBlock, headquartered at SocialText’s offices in Palo Alto. According to what I just jotted on the Sessions page on the wiki, I’ve just volunteered to lead or…

  • Podcast of my SXSW panel now live

    If you missed Every Breath You Take: Identity, Attention, Privacy, and Reputation last March at South By here’s your chance to hear me, Ted Nadeau, Kaliya Hamlin, Mary Hodder, and George Kelly take on these topics, very early one Sunday morning after an untimely daylight savings change and, for many people, a night of carousing…

  • My slides from SxSW

    These slides are only minutely useful as they are nearly all images without any notes or bullet points. When the podcast comes out I will work on synchronizing my remarks with the slides. I’ll be posting Ted Nadeau’s slides next. His were much more content rich. **Update:** Here are Ted’s slides:

  • SXSW namedropping, day five

    Last day of interactive. Laughingsquid party at Ginger Man by far the best of the whole session. * [Laura Moncur]( * [Michael Moncur]( * [Michael Sippey]( * [Christina Wodtke]( * [Scott Allen]( * [Gordon Luk]( * [Justin Hall]( * [Ernie Hsieng]( * [Kevin Cheng]( * [Min Jung Kim]( * [Jason Hoffman]( * [Jenifer Hanen]( *…

  • SXSW namedropping, day four

    last night was insane. at some point i should write about some panels. Leisa Reichelt is a sweetheart. * [Renee Blodgett]( * [Kristy Duncan]( * [Kevin Smokler]( * [Micah Alpern]( * [Luke Wroblewski]( * [Liz Henry]( * [Evan Prodromou]( * [Rob Condit]( * [Nancy Scola]( * [Liza Sabater]( * [Will Giese]( * [Liz Danzico]( *…

  • SXSW namedropping, day three

    I must be getting old (duh) since by then end of a half-hour fascinating conversation I no longer remember the name of the person I just met and it’s too dark and rainy to discreetly look at their badge to refresh my decaying braincells, so apologies in advance to very cool people (you know who…

  • Raw notes from 'Everything you wanted to know about the mobile web…' @ sxsw

    …but were afraid to ask: Great talk! Very thorough. Making me, helping rethink my upcoming Mobile IA presentation at the IA Summit. Here are my raw notes. Apologies for the stream of consciousness nature. You may be better off with Brian Fling’s slides. Who is Brian Fling? dir of strategy for blue flavor mobile designer…

  • SXSW namedropping, day two

    Met (and saw) fewer new people today, but spent time with some of the same folks from yesterday, and hung out a lot with Ted and Kirsten: * [Kiersten Lammerding]( (got a better link k-lo?) * KD / Kristy (klo’s friend from the evil empire) * [Ted Nadeau]( * [Robert Scoble]( * [Chris Messina]( *…

  • SXSW namedropping, day one

    Links are people I talked to. Nonlinks are people I spotted but didn’t talk to. I know I’m leaving people out from Break Bread with Brad at Buffalo Billiards. I didn’t always get everyone’s name and by then my beer-to-food ratio was really out of whack (had only southwest peanuts all day until George kicked…