Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • Pogue welcomes advice

    David Pogue welcomes suggestions about how to improve his new weblog.

  • xian's favorite blogs of 2004

    OK, I took a crack at my current subscription list and started off by narrowing it down to 30 or so favorites split among several (sometimes semi-arbitrary) categories: Politics and Media: The Poor Man (feed) James Wolcott (feed) PressThink: Ghost of Democracy in the Media Machine, by Jay Rosen (feed) Fanatical Apathy (feed) Daily Kos:…

  • Best blogs of the year? Feeding On Itself lists the 26 (or 7) best blogs of the year. What are your picks? I’d start with my current OPML reading list and have to whittle it down somehow. Update: Here are Kottke’s favorites.

  • IDG announces RSS conference in New York

    Quoting RSS Conference in NYC (Steve Rubel’s Micro Persuasion): IDG announced a new conference focusing on content syndication. The theme of the inaugural show will be RSS: Risk, Reward and Revolution. The conference is billed as executive-level, and created for content owners and producers, media execs, corporate marketers, advertisers and PR professionals.

  • Take the Blog Poll

    Prove Steve Rubel right: ( Blog Poll): is running a poll: What’s Your Involvement With Blogs? Have my own and update it dailyCheck somebody else’s every dayHave seen one, but don’t read regularlyHave never seen one, but have heard of themWhat’s a blog? Who wants to bet me that the first option will win…

  • Gillmor on Iraq the Model and the new Spirit of America-sponsored Arabic language weblog tool

    Quoting from An Honor: I just had the honor of introducing some extraordinary people to a Silicon Valley audience. They were Jim Hake, CEO and founder of Spirit of America, which I wrote about last spring. His operation is bringing help from U.S. citizens to people who need it in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it’s…

  • Speaking of Martini Republic

    Over on her own blog, mitten defends MR against an apparent attack by alleged right-wing blogger Cathy Siepp (a later date: ms. siepp). In so doing, she brings up an interesting matter that relates to the evergreen metablogging question “Why do we blog?“: Cathy apparently cares most about the links and comments she gets on…

  • Looking for more info about Blog:CMS

    BLOG:CMS appears to be a fairly full featured open-source blog / content management system. I believe Martini Republic uses this application. I’d like to hear from people who have compared it to some of the other popular blog and open source CMSes.

  • "MSN Spaces is people!"

    Obligatory MSN hosted blogging service post, autoquoting from MSN Spaces = soylent green Xeni Jardin: Updated. Today, Microsoft launches their free hosted blogging platform, What effect the service will have on Blogger, TypePad, Userland, and the like is, predictably, a subject of great debate. The service is free, and seems aimed squarely at home…

  • Microsoft blogging service about to launch

    Quoting from Scripting News: Mary Jo: “Microsoft’s MSN division is expected to take the wraps off its MSN Spaces blogging service this week, according to sources close to the company.”

  • MT3 Bible available!

    Rogers Cadenhead’s portable, affordable Movable Type 3 Bible Desktop Edition is now available from Wiley. I’d love to get my greasy little fingers on a copy of this book!

  • Disclosing blog sponsors

    Now that Marc Canter is spearheading a kind of transparent blog-payola system for compensating bloggers, the issue of full disclosure of one’s sponsors and or influences seems all the more important. For example, here is the disclosure about the ZeroDegrees sponsorship of the new Operating Manual for Social Tools weblog: About The Project: ZeroDegrees has…

  • The case of the missing comments

    So this weird thing happened over the weekend. Somehow, Monday morning, none of my bloggers were able to post to any of the blogs I host with Movable Type. And MT was acting strange in other ways. It listed each of my hosted blogs as having no comments at all. Actually, it didn’t list 0…

  • How-To: Podcasting (aka How to get Podcasts and also make your own) – Engadget – ++

    Engagdget published a guide to podcasting (time-shifted syndicated online audio/radio type content developed and popularized by Dave Winer and Adam Curry) by Phillip Torrone back in October of this year (pretty fast out of the gate): Quoting from How-To: Podcasting (aka How to get Podcasts and also make your own) : This week’s How-To is…

  • Does blogging need an ethics committee?

    Quoting from Blog Ethics Committee, Blog Publishers Association, and the evil Word of Mouth Marketing folks – The Jason Calacanis Weblog – :  Nick Denton put up a pleasantly surprising post today, complimenting me for being a “volunteer watchdog” for blog ethics. He proposes Jeff Jarvis and I start a blog ethics committee…

  • Blogging the vote count / election fraud story

    in Freeing the facts, California Insider Dan Weintraub writes: This NY Times piece on the role of blogs in fanning, and then debunking, stories of fraud in the presidential vote carries at least a mildly handwringing tone, as if somehow this turn of events was unfortunate. I disagree.

  • Call for non-profit, activist blogs

    via Call for non-profit, activist blogs (Joho the Blog): Rebeccca MacKinnon: …it would be interesting to build a public aggregator of blogs by non-profit and activist groups. Please list any you know in the comments section and I’ll start putting it together as soon as I gain critical mass. Note: Please add them to the…

  • Blogs no threat to mainstream media (CBS news)

    With apologies to Truman Capote, CBS News writer Eric Engberg says blogging during the election was typing, not journalism: The public is now assaulted by news and pretend-news from many directions, thanks to the now infamous “information superhighway.” But the ability to transmit words, we learned during the Citizens Band radio fad of the 70’s,…

  • Is Kos a public figure?

    House Majority Whip Tom DeLay notes that Daily Kos is supporting his opponent, Mr. Morrison (one of the Kos Dozen), asserting “Mr. Morrison also has taken money and is working with the Daily Kos, which is an organization that raises money for fighters against the U.S. in Iraq.” Markos laughsthis off (Daily Kos :: TX-22:…

  • Towards a more nuanced view of the role of blogs in political journalism

    Over at Personal Democracy Forum (disclosure: I am a contributing editor there), Jed Miller takes issue with the sensationalism in the way that blogs have been covered in the media this season (It’s a Spitball! It’s a Filter!): Maybe I’m oversensitive after all the is-not/is-too-ism of the political season, but it seems to me that…

  • You lose 300 tons and what do you get?

    Please allow me to aggrandize myself, but my Monkey Vortex cohorts have scripted and produced a two-minute playlet called Sympathy for the W. I was given a cowriting credit but that overstates the case. That is me on lead vocals, though. I know, I know. Don’t quit your day job. Cruel of you to say…