Category: Salon Bloggers
Unimpressing the Natives of Blogistan
This blog is semi-reviewed in A Geographical Guide to Blogistan, starting from the memewatch category (Ann Coulter does Google?), then to metablog, and finally finding RFB. The reviewer doesn’t seem to understand what Radio categories are, which is something to worry about, because you can’t expect someone stumbling onto one part of your blog to…
What She Said
reverse cowgirl once again has the best critique around of the smarly little “chat” between Sullivan and Andersen at Slate: under the MSN umbrella, Anderson and Sullivan sit muttering about blogging before a pre-packed audience, waiting for a pre-decided upon paycheck, generating prose to be processed by a pre-ordained editor. in all its dull lifelessness,…
Blog Media Watch
Driver 8’s “Blog” Watch: A Selective Reader has accumulated a rich list of media mentions of the word blog.
When to Stop Editing a Blog Post
My brother the painter told me once about a guy who used to sneak into museums with a teeny brush and palette to touch up his own paintings. It’s hard to let go. I fixed a few typos in my entry yesterday that was getting a lot of flow from Scott Rosenberg and Dave Winer,…
Two Links from the Virtual Chase
From (via Research News: The Virtual Chase) come two good blog-related links: On the Net’s The Blog Realm about blogs as a source of information for librarians, and as a content-management solution.(Basic stuff for any experienced blogger but good introa and a reminder that this stuff still requires explaining on a daily basis.) SearchEngineBlog,…
Sullivan/Andersen Revisited
reverse cowgirl has the best summary I’ve seen yet of the weblog discussion in Slate. Some excerpts: …then Mr Sullivan says he likes to blog because he hates people. and editors. then he says he would like to have sex with Moby… after that, Sullivan says that people are interesting … Andrew confesses he blogs…
Radio Free Blogistan: China Bureau
RFB accessible in China as of this date stamp: Starting testing… Stage one testing complete. Stage two testing complete. Testing complete for Result: Reported as accessible in China Is your site accessible in China?
Left-Brain Blogging
The Raven talks about the impression he gets from a long blogroll: I don’t know about you, but when I visit a blog that has 395 navigation links running down the side I get a funny feeling. Is this clown trying to tell me, “Look at all my friends!” Or am I supposed to check…
A Reader Writes…
I almost feel like I have to click on you, just in the hopes you can outscore ‘pornographers picks.’ My reply: Thanks, although I hope I can attract readers based on my content, too! I see I lost ground to the pornoblog over the weekend. Well, when you’re number four you try harder! I’m not…
Foodie Blog at Salon
The Julie/Julia Project makes my mouth water. (Probably won’t blog too much today. Prepping for my TV appearance this afternoon—it’s hard to concentrate on much else till it’s done.)
Link from Worth 1000 Hits a Day
Don’t feel bad, Salon Blog writers, when you look at the rankings and see Scott’s traffic dwarfing that of the rest of us. I just took a look at his referrer log for the first time and a quick count showed over 1000 of the hits coming directly from and its variants. Another blogger,…
Darwin: Reload: The Blog Days of Summer
Darwin Magazine offers some conventional wisdom on this moment in hype/backlash about blogging. (That doesn’t look like a permalink.) Mentions Andrew’s Dreaming of China blog.
Please Don't Feed the RSS Aggravator
Well, coincidentally, I was just dipping into my RSS aggregator news feed when I got a note from Charly Z encouraging me to check out a discussion about RSS syndication going on among some other Salon Blogs. Scott Rosenberg’s Links and Comment picks up on a complaint from the author of FarrFeed on discovering his…
Thinking Person's Salon Porn Blog
One of the most popular blogs here at Salon has been the Pornographer’s Picks weblog that basically links to porn sites. More interesting by far is the reverse cowgirl’s blog, which is also about pornography but offers more than just pointers to stroke material and is written from a female perspective: in this manner, awhile…
If I Ever Get Tired of Doing This
I could always just sit back and read boingboing, let Cory do all the work. I don’t know Cory, by the way, I just like calling him by his first name so it seems like I know him and so must be cool like him. I haven’t read his new story at Salon yet. Is…
Blogging Network Debate at Daily Pundit
William Quick announced Daily Pundit Premium and introduces the business model of Blogging Network. (Subscribers pay $2.99 for unlimited access to network blogs. 50% of this goes to upkeep. The other half is prorated among the blogs the subscriber actually reads.) The interesting part is the extensive comments section. Collectively, people are grasping with two…
Getting Ready for a Partial Move
Andrew Bayer was hassling me about not having set up yet, but hey, my sysadmin is a friend, we barter services, he’s been busy. So I spent a little time reading up on httpd.conf and I set up the VirtualHost entries for that domain and a few other pending domains. I still need to…
Revolution? Well, You Know…
Andrew Bayer Is Dreaming of China takes issue with some of Dave Winer’s more upopian pronouncements of the importance of weblogs to the future: Here’s the thing — he’s assuming, first of all, that everyone will have a computer. Maybe at some point in the distant future, this could be the case, but for the…
Chaords Everywhere I Look
Chaords Everywhere I Look gives a hearty endorsement to the writing found in Salon blogs when compared to mass media.
Radiospecific: How I Solved My Category Problem
I was having a hell of a time getting design changes to propagate out to my categories. It turned out that in the early days of this blog when I Was experimenting with many of the canned themes and giving each category its own design, these choices decoupled the categories from the home page in…
NY Times: A Nation of Bloggers
For the quickdraw file: With B back from her writing retreat I’m in full domestic mode this morning, grinding coffee beans, squeezing oranges, and making up some oatmeal from steel cut oats. She’s reading the New York Times and calling out interesting copy (“Bush calls for more logging to prevent wildfires,” etc.). She notices in…