Tag: memes

  • Thirty-six years ago today

    One small step for a man, one giant leap for moonkind. Be sure to zoom all the way in.

  • As PNH calls it: The book meme that ate blogdom's brain

    OK, OK, I’ll play (I guess you can call this entry the final straw, although I wasn’t “tagged” by it, so this is kind of a bastard-child in terms of meme lineage): Total number of books owned: No idea. At least 2000. Possibly double that, counting boxes of books in the basement. Would be a…

  • Search engine re-optimization

    I like this idea. We can fight fire with fire by helping to point comment-spam favorite phrases like online poker to innocuous pages (in this case the entry at wikipedia) rather than to the v!agra-ific spammy pages the comment spammers are trying to raise the pagerank of through polluting our blogs. Semi-related: I understand why…

  • Google suggests

    Trying out the Google Guessing Rank (GGR) game outlined by Jon Scalzi, I got a kick out of watching what Google Suggest (it’s a beta) thought I might be searching for until I got four letters into my last name. Here’s the literal sequence if I type all the letters (counting even when it doesn’t…

  • Your jukebox should know

    Scalzi is spreading a meme: Open up the music player on your computer (if you have one — the music player, I mean. Clearly you have a computer, because otherwise you couldn’t read this). Set it to play your entire music collection. Hit the “shuffle” command. Tell us the title of the next ten songs…

  • Fujiwara Kaito, I like the sound of that

    According to your real Japanese name generator, my Japanese name is 藤原 Fujiwara (wisteria fields) 海斗 Kaito (big dipper of the ocean)

  • RSS meme gets a weblog

    Just when I’m thinking of saying webfeeds to people and wondering why any normal person would care if Atom or RSS were or were not offered in equal measure by some service, Dave Winer puts his weblogging where his mouth is with the new Really Simple Syndication site. I’ve just posted more about this (and…

  • I was hoping for the toaster

    Magister Mundi sum! (“I am the Master of the Universe!”) You are full of yourself, but you’re so cool you probably deserve to be. Rock on. Uh, OK then. Thanks, I guess, Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You? brought to you by Quizilla.

  • The spellchecker suggests Crumpets

    For no good reason I’m pushing a meme today, echoing it through the mediajunkiesphere and sending out an annoying Orkut announcement to my regretting- it- already friends. It may work or it may not but pouting never accomplished anything. The spellcheckers has some funny suggestions for how to spell my name.

  • My blogspace

    One meme going around these days is people posting photos of the place they blog from, so here’s mine: UPDATE: Kaye Trammel is collecting a list of links to such pictures on her blog, so this is mass communication?.

  • Make certain the story is not used

    From dmasson on the Well: This looks like a mistake. In case the link is taken down, it says: AP Kills Limbaugh Painkillers Story The Associated Press Saturday, January 3, 2004; 5:06 PM WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Please kill the story Limbaugh-Painkillers, V9991. Rush Limbaugh has not been charged with doctor shopping. A kill…

  • I more friendlier than I thought

    Although you’re hacking out the future in RDF, you realise that all technology boils down to dating in the end. What social software are you?

  • Overheard at Seybold

    One of the POD guys waiting to get into a room to start their session: The last panel was on blogs and they don’t want to get off the podium (POD = print on demand)

  • Transmigration of the memes

    For a while I’ve been posting trendy idea-oids and “news of the weird”-type links-with-commentary to Meme List. This was meant to be a stake in the sand for a MemeWatch site where we’d do fun GoogleHack kind of tricks to track the rise and fall of phrases like “six degrees of Kevin Bacon” and so…

  • Metamemewatch: Minding the Planet

    Paul Ford’s Ftrain is in full effect and from it I ended up at Nova Spivack’s Minding the Planet, wherein he asks the musical question Do You Like This Blog? Help Me Spread It Like a Virus!… If you like this blog – help me spread it like a virus to others who might like…

  • Building is enormous basket

    Longaberger makes baskets, and their building is a 16x scale model of one of their more popular products.

  • Friday is 'Fair and Balanced' day

    In one of his least gonzo weblog posts ever, Neil Pollock, the world’s greatest living writer steps up to defend Al Franken against Fox News: Nonetheless, it’s the policy of this website to rise to the aid of satire whenver it’s threatened, even if the threatened satirist is three links above it on the comedy…

  • Tom Coates fact-checks the BBC

    Ordinarily, Tom Coates of plasticbag.org defends professional journalism as the province of dedicated newgathering resources and standards of professionalism, although, as he notes in On ‘two years’ of weblogs…, [A]bsolutely anyone who’s ever been featured in a news story … knows full well that journalists routinely seem to get quite important and easy-to-check facts wrong.…

  • I've created a monster

    Pete Hoskins of This Pirate Kills Fascists has recorded the first known rendition of my li’l ditty (I Sing the Blogistan Electric). Amazing stamina! Some moments really cracked me up, especially with the overrunning lines! It occurs to me that the chorus should really be “this’ll be the day blogging died” or “this’ll be the…

  • Spam sells

    So who’s buying all that herbal v1agra? rich, stupid guys: There was a picture on the top of the page that said, ‘As Seen on TV,’ and I guess that made me think it was legit.

  • Google still working fine

    Ev says the whole I’m the first Bruce on Google phenomenon isn’t really a good test of whether it’s working. Now, if you go to Google and type Robb’s Law an click the I Feel Lucky button, you’ll see that Google is on top of things.