Author: cecil

  • FEMA Chief Brown: An Unqualified Success

    Talking Points Memo on the qualifications of FEMA chief Michael Brown (aka “Brownie”): The news out today about FEMA Director Michael Brown tells the ugly tale. So let’s just review what we now know — with key new details first from a diarist at DailyKos and now confirmed in more depth in this morning’s Boston…

  • Looting

    Have you been watching Fox and Fox type TV this past couple of days? Their coverage of the looting is making me insane. Poor people who’ve lost everything, even lost the city they were poor in, stealing food, stealing clothes, stealing TVs, I really don’t care. Who are we to judge them? Who is the…

  • Classic Freudian Slip by Fox’s David Asman

    And the truth shall set ye free.

  • Instant Economic Impact Lad

    I was talking to this Republican I know earlier today about the economy. And I was, you know, speculating about when exactly it would stop being the Clinton recession and Bush would actually take ownership over our economic mess. And this Republican feller says: War time! etc etc, and all that. And then he says:…

  • Bush’s Proposal: Slow Death for Social Security

    The Washington Post spells it out — Bush’s Social Security proposal from last night’s press conference is designed to curtail Social Security for all but the poor. On the surface, a Democrat like me might look at this new proposal and say: what gives? The President’s actually looking out for the poor over the rich.…

  • JC’s Unitarian Jihad

    RaptorMage noted this on RaptorMagic and it was so perfect, I felt compelled to repost here. Highly recommended.