Category: Editorial
Welcome, Camilo!
Loyal readers of this weblog may have noticed that we haven’t exactly kept up with the original three-to-seven posts a day pace that I first established in that heady summer of 2002. I’ve been busy with my new job and my other blogs and my other contributors have their own blogs and pursuits distracting them…
Liza, let's flip the switch
Let’s update the modules and flip over to your awesome design and then ask readers to beta test it for us on their browsers? I want to get all the Mediajunkie blogs up to the best possible standards of 2.661 installs, and then think seriously about MT 3.0 vs. WordPress vs. Scoop vs. Drupal. I’m…
Editorial discussion imported
OK, I think I got everything. Assuming it looks OK, I’ll be deleting the separate editorial blog soon. In the meantime, to catch up on the conversations of Blogistan’s contributors, load up the Editorial category page.
My new book project
Today, my publisher approved a book I’m going to write between now and next March tentatively to be called The Power of Many with a subtitle of something like How Craigslist, Howard Dean, and are changing the ways we connect. As with my canceled blog book, I am hoping to do this book in…
Radio Free Malkovich
Malkovich Malkovich
RFB badge
Hey, look at the left column of this blogorrhea blog. There is a kinda cool badge for RFB that I guess the blog owner made?
Shelley to the rescue
Looks like Shelley Powers has addressed the exact trackback-ping-not-rebuilding-the-archive-page and thus not-showing-up-inline-automatically problem I was just noticing: Weblogging for Poets: Adding Trackback entries to individual archive pages BTW, we’d better get password protection going here soon, or make a conscious decision to leave this site visible to random visitors, because Andrew lists it among his…
More trackback problems
I saw that “life – listed chronologically” sent a trackback ping to Rayne’s latest post but it doesn’t show up on the archive page. My theory is that the page is not being rebuilt automatically as it is when comments are posted. To check this, I will rebuild the page manually. If the trackback appears,…
Tweaking the sidebar here
I figured the link back to RFB proper should be bigger and easier to click on, so I sort of combined two sidebar-title/sidebar elements from before.
Template access
filchyboy, you now have access to the templates at RFB. Anyone else want in? Please everyone check around before trying out changes. Best to demo them over here first as Liza will be doing. filchy, i didn’t give you config access. Do you need that?
Making this blog more useful
OK, I added a direct link to the RFB home page to the top of the sidebar, got rid of the relatively useless calendar, and added a list of the last 17 entries to RFB with direct links to their individual archive pages. I also took the popup code off the home page of this…
Getting rid of pop-ups
Does anyone know of a good step-by-step tutorial that walks through converting default MT templates to ones that use no popups for either comments or trackbacks? I always find it easier to follow a trustworthy checklist than reinvent the wheel, however, this isn’t brain surgery, so check this: Make sure the comment form on the…
There's also the 'memes' category
Another place the Onion article could be listed is under Memes, which is a safe place to stow any link that is currently riding the popularity charts in the blogosphere… So, there are some unanswered questions embedded in earlier entries. I’ll try to sift them out soon, but they include deciding if having our editorial…
Dealing with duplicate pings
Weblogs often generate multiple trackback pings to the same entry. This is usually because a timeout in the initial ping caused the process to fail to acknowledge, so the sending weblog tries again next time the user updates the entry. To avoid sending out duplicate pings, if you get an error after posting, go to…
Help with comment permalinks
OK, I wanted the comments block on the home page to link to recent comments “filchyboy on Is linking like sex” etc. The problem is that the comment links just go to the entry and don’t scroll down automatically to the specific comment’s permalink. I was poking around the templates documentation and I saw that…
As Rayne noted to me in email this morning, we were hit with comment spam this morning. The only new thing about this is that it’s now hitting on articles I didn’t author, so I don’t necessarily see the email notification. We have Jay Allen’s MT-Blacklist installed, so all comment notification comes with a link…
RFB InfoArch
Information architecture (IA) is just a fancy term for organizational structure. Here are some things on my RFB IA to do list: soonly 1. Reorg home page 2. Tweak categories eventually 3. full site inventory 4. sitemap 5. review navigation 6. review nomenclature 7. search templates 8. external connections TO ADD author pages monthly calendar…
Logos, drafts, syndication, and privacy
filch, I’d love to see your futurismistic logo ideas and see if Liza and you can get any synergy going. I noticed that draft. Are you still going to flesh it out? By QuickPost, you guys are talking about the TypePad bookmarklet? I didn’t realize it could post to MT blogs as well? I have…
Posting drafts
Re Blogistan Editorial: ARGGH!: i usually use quickposts to create drafts that i then work out into full posts. is there any reason why i cannot keep a draft in RFB? No, there is nothing preventing you except that by default new posts are set to Publish unless you override and specify Draft. You should…
Catching up
First of all, I think I will turn on comments by default after all, since there’s no reason not to use that system for followups in the future Re Liza’s questions (Blogistan Editorial: When it rains it pours): 1. When I make new sites I always start anew with logos. It just sets the tone,…
Comment spam
Andrew, no worries. Just a reminder. Hey, everyone should know that comments generate email notification sent only to the author of the given post, so we won’t know about each other’s comments unless we happen to click the comment links on the blog and read them ourselves. I’ve got MT-blacklist installed on this server, so…