Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • Fractal view of blog power law

    In The Fractal Blogosphere at Read/Write Web, Richard MacManus proposes that bloggers not worry too much about the popular/unpopular dichotomy suggested by most common interpretations of the various power laws that govern linking and traffic among blogs (and frankly in any linked network of any kind at all), but instead pick a scale that makes…

  • Purple-numberize any site

    PurpleSlurple can slurp up any web page and add purple numbers to each paragraph (that is, paragraph-level permalinks). For example, here’s RFB purpleslurplerized: Purpled Blogistan. (via Jonas Luster)

  • WordPress 1.2 available

    WordPress 1.2 is out. What I wouldn’t give for comment moderation! (via Scripting News)

  • Blogs gone wild

    Chris Pirillo has launched a bogging network at Looks like a private-label instance of Tucows’ Blogware oroduct. Looks like Chris has moved his personal blog from MT over to Blogware as well (though there’s no credit back-link, so you have to divine that fact by actually reading his entries).

  • Comparison of server-side blog tools

    If you are deciding whether to upgrade to MT 3.0 or switch to another self-hosted service, the Blog Software Breakdown chart might help you sort out your decision.

  • Technorati developers brainstorm

    link relationships <link rel=””> XFN votelinks creative commons (rel=”license”) filtering sorting expressions in the queries if then and or not recentness, authority Tantek: sort by criteria Use link relationships strength of relationship friends acquaintances people i’ve met show me links from people that consider themselves colleagues wikis and email lists profiles multiple authors per blog…

  • More notes from Technorati salon

    Forgive the raw note dump but I’m on deadline and I figure notes are better than nothing, especially when being Searlsdotted… This page’s name is called TechnoratiSalon. TechnoratiSalonIdeas … (see blog entry for start) Merged two codebases, API calls along with internal functionalities (bug fixes work for both HTML output and APIs). Techno front-end app…

  • Blogging from Hunter's Point

    Drove over the bridge and past the ballpark to Technorati’s new digs for thei first Developers Salon I took pictures but forgot my adapter so will post them later. Promise some new infopr0n – some new analytics that hasn’t been out yet (Mary’s research). Dave is asking for an open discussion Intro technorati team. Liz,…

  • I'm not a Technorati developer

    …but I play one on the net. Well, actually not that either but they say Technorati users are welcome at the Technorati Developers Salon Kickoff in SF tonight, so I’ll be there, barking my feature wishlist at anyone willing to listen. Hope to see Ian Kallen and Mary Hodder there, among the usual suspects. Had…

  • Blogger vs. LiveJournal

    Blogger vs LiveJournal: Looks like Blogger has matched LJ feature-for-feature, crabwalking into social networking at the same time (around the shared interests – I’d love to see Google’s internal maps drawn from that data).

  • According to MT-medic…

    I publish 21 noncommercial blogs with 19 other authors besides myself, in combinations ranging from a single-author journal to a political weblog with up to 15 contributors.

  • Resist monoculture

    Weblogs Compendium – Blog Tools (via evanwolf group). I’ve got my test deployment of Scoop running. As soon as my book is put to bed I will start messing with it, but I’m really holding out for a groovy MT-to-RDF-to-Ftrain SiteKit migration tool. Ping lazyweb, somebody.

  • A cinderella story

    I’m in San Luis Obispo (SLO) this morning and we just bought up all the Sunday New York Timeses in town (well, not really). I’m posting from SLO Perk’s Internet terminals. I’ll tell the full story when I have more time and when it wouldn’t be so antisocial in the real world, but long story…

  • Is RFB dead?

    Hey, I said to filchyboy, I know I haven’t been posting much lately. I got book deadlines. Whine, whine. No, he said, check out the new pricing structure for Movable Type. What is going to happen to your publishing empire? I guess we won’t be upgrading from 2.661 anytime soon if it will cost me…

  • Jay Rosen reflects

    PressThink: Questions and Answers About PressThink

  • The genie's out of the bottle

    I’m blogging tonight’s Berkeley panel (by Jove, Paul Grabowicz has done it again!) over at The Power of Many and I’ve posted a bunch of my usual blurry photos as well.

  • My traditional Jazz Fest blogging

    As in some previous years, I am taking photos and jotting down who I hear and what I eat out at Fest. I haven’t had time to write up any notes yet, but when I do the entries will go in my personal blog, and if you drop by now you can click through to…

  • MT 3.0 beta about to start

    Do MT alpha testers automatically become beta tester’s in Six Apart’s upcoming beta test of Movable Type 3.0? Shouldn’t that link really have been to movable type dot org? Aren’t I supposed to be handing in Chapters 3, 5, and 6 in various states of undress tonight? Thank goodness my editor, Pete, has been doing…

  • Baseball bloggers

    Baseblogs – Obsessive fans track the national pastime on the Web. By Josh Levin (uses the word “baseblogosphere”). On deadline, linklogging…

  • Editorial discussion imported

    OK, I think I got everything. Assuming it looks OK, I’ll be deleting the separate editorial blog soon. In the meantime, to catch up on the conversations of Blogistan’s contributors, load up the Editorial category page.

  • Opening up the editorial chat at RFB

    When we expanded the contributors to this blog to include five of us, we started an editorial weblog where we could discuss structure, redesign, policies, and so on. We made it a password-protected separate blog and frankly it sucked. Most of us didn’t bother to check into enough and I’ve come to realize that secretive…