Category: Radio Free Blogistan
Blog media dinner at Bastille last week
Though it’s sure to annoy Stavros, I have to say I had a mighty fine time meeting face-to-face with a bunch of smart webloggers and new media types last Wednesday, February 18. Susan Mernit invited me (and blogged about it in Navigating the Info Jungle). J.D. Lasica co-hosted it (and reported on it in his…
Three reasons to use WordPress
Matthey “Doubting” Thomas offers
Next-gen blogging tools
Dave Winer is planning BloggerCon II and is soliciting ideas from blog users (as opposed to developers) about what features the next generation of blogging tools should offer.
Hit 'em where they ain't
Blogfather Glenn Reynolds advises would-be webloggers to pioneer underreported topics, instead of crowding into overpopulated subject-areas, such as war and politics, in The Next Wave at Tech Central Station: There are lots of political/national security blogs (“warblogs” as they’re sometimes called, though most of them spend a lot of times on non-war subjects). There’s always…
Does your blog have a blog?
Chuck “Blogumentary” Olsen and Lori “Secret Farm” Idontknowherlastname have started a blog together called MetaSecret MicroFarm in which they are blogging about their blogs. I tell you, it’s infinite regresses all the way down.
TidyText plugin makes MT posts valid XHTML
90% Crud: TidyText: TidyText is my new plugin for Moveable Type…. It adds two new text formatting options for entries that will run them through HTML Tidy to make the XHTML valid before building the entry. Most of us want to support web standards, for me it’s a pain to remember to change & to…
Should we have a meeting? Maybe by irc? Just to check in. We’ve got some pending business: redesign, site architecture, link logging, access to this blog. Some have been too busy to post much lately. Is that a problem, anything to worry about? Should we invite more contributors? Or, as I hinted in a post…
Shhh! The audience is listening
Let’s all be on our best behavior. Christopher (Back to Iraq) Allbritton is teaching a digital journalism course at NYU this semester and recently assigned the class to read a few blogs during the current week and comment on them. It’s rather humbling and instructive to get feedback from people just jumping into the blog…
Globo blocking blogs?
An orkut message I received from a “friend” of jibot (a bot that heralds visitors to the #joiito irc channel) accuses Brazilian company Globo of blocking access to the Blogger-driven blogs it hosts to anyone from outside Brazil and of preventing users from accessing their (free) blogs until they pay for a Globo subscription: Isn’t…
Combatting linkrot
Every now and then Kevin Drum at Calpundit puts in a little plea to other bloggers to take a few modest steps to avoid linkrot.
Slate diary based on Salon blog
I noticed that Interns’ Diary (“Two medical interns examine their roles as healers while learning to be doctors”) was high on the Salon blog rankings charts last week with a huge traffic spike coming in the form of referrals from a Slate weeklong diary featuring Ingrid Katz and Alexi Wright, the two interns in question.…
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Gnomedex 4.0, Tahoe, late Sept.
Chris Pirillo just sent a notice via orkut pre-announcing Gnomedex 4.0, which may not be the best conference for “we stopped drinking” geeks. I really wanted to go last year and my schedule didn’t permit. I think my late September is wide open, so chances are I will make it this time.
Blogging my book
I can finally talk a little more about my current writing project, by far the most fascinating book I’ve ever had the pleasure of working on. The working title is The Power of Many and it’s about – broadly speaking (my publisher doesn’t want me to be too specific yet) – people networks with digital…
This social software stuff is tricky
Wow, danah boyd took me to school (without naming any names, which was kind of her) and I’m learning a difficult lesson. Over at, she writes in sexist jokes and Orkut invites about a note I sent to the group of people there marked as my “friends.” What happened was that I saw as…
I think Ben Brown really likes me!
From: “Ben Brown” <> To: “Christian Crumlish” Subject: Re: is orkut over? Dude, you should really stop with the friends-of-friends messages. I have no idea who you are. This message was sent by Ben Brown to Christian Crumlish.
Radio Free Blogistan 3.0
This has been a fallow period at RFB, even with the new contributors (we’re all head’s down these days, working, which is actually a good thing), but there are some things going on under the hood. When I added Rayne and Liza and filchyboy and Andrew to the roster, we started an editorial-discussion blog separate…
My secret life
Kaye Trammell offers some tips on how to keep a secret blog secret. [via Scripting News]
Permission to link
Let’s be path of least resistance about linklogging: I’ll add a new category (unless you think links don’t need a category but do need to be categorized using existing categories. Start posting links to that category (or to any category). Use the title field, but it can be a simple keyword, no requirement for pithy…