Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • Assessing blog authority

    Summarizing from How To Measure A Blogger’s Popularity And Reach: The Big Jump – Robin Good’ Sharewood Tidings: Check her Technorati standing. [F]ind out (not always possible, but you can also ask directly) how many subscribers the online publication has. Check whether the person makes her traffic statistics publicly viewable. Do some basic Google searches…

  • Mac OS X "Tiger" to ship with built-in blog system?

    Quoting from Blogging and Ping-O-Matic built into Mac OS X “Tiger” In Ping-O-Matic in Blojsom we learn that Tiger will ship with Blojsom, a Java based mutli-user blogging system. And Blojsom has built in support for Ping-O-Matic. Nice. I wonder how Apple will package it up. Will blogging be one of the sleeper features in…

  • Did everybody forget their passwords?

    The Guardian (UK) has a go at Arianna Huffington’s new celebrity group blog: With friends like these … (via the Well’s blog conference)

  • For all your Pope-blogging needs

    What the world needs now is a Pope blog, and gratefully here it is: The Pope Blog: Pope Benedict XVI. As for myself, I have composed a little ditty to celebrate the occasion.

  • Help me find my next job

    This post represents the first step in an experiment in publicly seeking work via the living web. I started by posting here at Radio Free Blogistan because this is still my best known brand and the blog site most closely associated with my name. (Who am I? I’m Christian Crumlish, a.k.a xian). What kind of…

  • Minus one weblogs

    Salon’s community weblog server has been flakey for a few weeks now Is anyone at Salon minding the store? Recently Changed Weblogs Recently Changed Weblogs No recently updated sites to list at this time. The high-water mark is 106 weblogs, on 1/21/2004; 7:21:38 PM. The low-water mark is -1 weblogs, on 4/14/2005; 12:11:04 AM.

  • Blogging 'not a fad'

    Phew! (The future of blogging | CNET (via PDF)

  • Ken Layne's new gig

    Sploid – I’ll read it (via Buzzmachine’s STOP THE PRESS(ES)! Denton v. Drudge! post): STOP THE PRESS(ES)! Denton v. Drudge! : Nick Denton launches his newest site today: News with attitude. Sploid will go live at midday with BIG HEADLINES! and TOP NEWS! and WEIRD NEWS! and a TABLOID MENTALITY — which is to say,…

  • Well, since my baby left me

    I found a new place to dwell. It’s down at the end of Corante street, the Podcast Hotel.

  • Nice mention of my FrontPage book

    In Tools to start an e-business, Aneeta Sundararaj writes that he she benefitted from the simple instructions in the book FrontPage Savvy, co-authored by myself and Kate J. Chase: Microsoft FrontPage 2003 by Christian Crumlish and Kate J. Chase. Published by Sybex. Before I got the book, I was doing most of the designing by…

  • George Hotelling sees Gopher's shadow

    My favorite April Fool’s site so far this morning (via Waxy Links)

  • Yahoo 247

    The other day I was talking to someone about Steve Rubel’s great Micro Persuasion weblog and the energy and enthusiasm he demonstrates as he avidly filters key blog news and posts about whatever he cares about (note to self: add his headlines to the list of feeds down the right side…). Anyway, I just scored…

  • Glassdog challenges Boing Boing to come clean

    Quoting from Boing Boing, Ka-Ching Ka-Ching: The thing is, it really is about love. They’ve been at it for too long for it not to be. Which is exactly why they need to come clean, why they need to explain themselves, to correct the lingering white lies. I don’t care how many ads the site…

  • One man's lonely fight against comment spam

    Scot Hacker offers to explain why he has resorted to requiring comment registation on Birdhouse-hosted blogs: Field Notes on Comment Registration

  • Tony Pierce's 'How to Blog'

    Tony, whom I finally got a chance to meet at SXSW this year (and who’s as funny and personable in person as his online presence would imply) published this list of advices on blogging in his busblog last year. He’s now got a book out with the same title from Café Press and I’ve…

  • Sifry's state of the blogosphere report

    Part two talks about posting volume and the accompanying graphic (Sifry’s Alerts) illustrates some interesting spikes. Be sure to check out the entire series.

  • Rageboy recounts a cautionary tale

    Over at Chief Blogging Officer Christopher “clootrane” Locke tells how his current project was nearly derailed at its outset by sloppy journalistic practices, but the forces of light prevailed and all’s well that end’s swell in RageTown.

  • Harry Shearer guestblogging at TPM

    Shearer’s turn on Talking Points Memo while Josh Marshall is off getting married will be a welcome relief from Dean-hater Chait (the most recent guest).

  • Bruce Sterling gets a new perspective on SXSW

    Quoting from The Austin Chronicle: Screens: Get Visionary With Me Here, by Bruce Sterling, who is hosting the closing party once again, though not, this year, at his house: You know the way bloggers go ape when they discover a gay prostitute in the White House press corps? It’s just like that, except with beer.

  • SXSW and Etech as swear words

    Quoting 90% Crud: Thank you for not mentioning the outside world: Is there a proxy that would let me filter any content with the words “SXSW” or “ETech”? That would help me feel a bit better about being in Michigan over the next week. I suspect the Chinese have it in place to keep all…

  • Rex Hammock is not blogging SXSW

    But he is pointing to people sitting near him who are. I’m in the Blogging Showdown session that hasn’t commenced yet, where we’ll get to hear some of the leading lights of nanopublishing comparing their products and maybe even confessing to some of the warts therein. If not, I’m sure the audience will hold their…