Category: Salon Bloggers
FIONA on Radio Userland
A picture ~= 1 kiloword, right? I’ve had that feeling too, at times. Anyway, Fiona is my new favorite cartoonist. When will we be seeing her work in the New Yorker (or in Salon proper, for that matter)?
Putting deficits in perspective
Frank Boosman of Pseudorandom felt that the “record deficit” chart I reprinted from Reuters earlier this week was misleading, in that it did not put the deficit figures into context as a percentage of GDP (which most economists feel is a more meaningful way of measuring deficits than in terms of absolute dollars). I would…
What's with Salon's RSS feed?
How come my news aggregator keeps picking up Salon headlines from 2002? Is someone over there asleep at the switch? I mean, this Tom the Dancing Bug cartoon is still funny, but where’s the new stuff?
Conversational blogging
Steve Bowdrick writes in the Guardian (UK), that the best blogs leave room for the reader and other bloggers to complete, refute, or expand on the ideas expressed: Weblogs produce a class of conversation that is, if it works, of the highest quality, fuelled by the open-mindedness of the blogger and continually refreshed by provocation…
Like father, like son
This Reuters graphic published in Yahoo! News – Politics yesterday speaks volumes: (Tried posting this directly to Bite Media but problems with Blogger Pro are preventing the FTP upload….)
Kowgirl no. 1 with a bullet
A tip of the hat to the Reverse Cowgirl who’s blog passed Scott Rosenberg’s to become tops in Salon’s all-time rankings today.
Redirecting my old RSS feed
There’s no way to force people who have blogrolled my old address update their links. I can only assume that they haven’t checked back much since their initial burst of inclusion, or if they have that they think I stopped blogging sometime last October. Then there are those who subscribed to my old RSS feed…
Blogging as writing practice
Rayne Today: “I never thought of myself as a writer. Now I am, and it’s not a title one has bestowed upon them by others, but one I earn every day through my efforts here.”
Salon bloggin'
Give me The Raven on the State of the Union over The Bleat on the same any day.. A few new Salon blogs have caught my busy eye lately: Fiona, for instance, and Hyperbole. Both are well written and have built up a nice head of steam. Fiona’s also now posting great cartoons (Salon, hire…
And then we were 9…
Brava to the Julie/Julia Project foodie blog, which passed me yesterday in the rankings, moving me to number 8. Sometime today, the Devil’s Excrement (damn! I forgot to post the 1/23 Venezuela blog-day badge in time!) will pass me as well, leaving me in 9th place. There I will probably rest for a while, waiting…
Layne's prescriptions for Salon
Ken Layne would run Salon a lot more like a blog: If I ran Salon, I’d cut the staff to a dozen—six on editorial, six on business. I’d cancel the subscription program, “Salon blogs,” that audio crap, the lousy replacement for Mr. Blue, Table Talk, The Well and all the other chaff. Get out of…
What's the opposite of a bullet?
I know Hugh had advised me to avert my eyes from the Salon blogs rankings, and he’s right. Any kind of RankingWatch is just bad for the soul, but I still feel inclined to note that RFB has now officially dropped to number 7 all time (and is likely to drop a few more in…
You Googled me?
I get all sorts of strange search terms landing at my page, especially lately since a few of my posts on Pete Townsend’s land on Google’s first page of results when people search for him by name. Here’s an odd one, today, coming from Google’s Belgian server: Dick Cheney pedophile I assume this is just…
A note for the occasional visitor
Several months ago we moved this site to a new address ( For better or for worse, quite a few of you have retained your links and bookmarks and so forth pointing to the old address. We became self-conscious about the look of the old site, frozen in mid-sentence, as it were, so we’ve come…
Fixing up the abandoned storefront
A large amount of my traffic still comes to my old address ( due to bookmarks, blogrolls, and the like. I don’t mind links directly to old posts, since they are maintained at both locations, but links to the old home page take someone to a page that hasn’t been updated since October. Not cool!…
Redesigning salonika (second try)
Right after I added the RSSboxes to the home page design template for the salonika category of this blog, I changed the tagline for that category (got tired of the profanity) and in so doing accidentally reinstated the generic Salon blogs design, wiping out all my careful customization. That was Thursday, I think. I finally…
Table of Contents (administrivia)
Because the Log Entry Titles page is static, I have to republish it from time to time to refresh it. I’m sure there’s a way to automate this but it’s probably not drool-proof so here I am manually reposting it whenever it occurs to me. It’s kind of cool to see all the titles for…
The daily dish
Hugh of SRO has some words for Andrew Sullivan: You’re like Joan Rivers, so enmeshed in this “Personality” you’ve created that you’ve burned your bridges and any other side of you would be a betrayal to your Fans. The fans you obviously believe you have and feel compelled to spoon feed, even when it makes…
filchyboy's full-court press
Well, it looks like RFB will be dropping down to number seven in the Salon blogs all-time rankings today as both of filchyboy’s blogs have been racking up (nearly identical) hit counts in the thousands since yesterday. Has he put the web bug back on his ultra-popular pages? I noticed his top refer is…
Confessions of an adulterer
Instant Message chronicles the rise and fall of an extramarital affair. It’s crack for voyeurs.
This is your only notice.The
This is your only notice.The brand new oh-so-delicious Virtual Occoquan is out, featuring culinary masterpieces from Rayne, Scotchman, Me, Gentleman George, Jan Haugland, Daniel Dolinov, and of course, Paul Hinrichs. Plus the Yawp on the impending war, Kit Fox on Satan, Maxine on Fortuna, VeryModern on Brandy, FWTBT on arms inspections, Kriselda on child molesters,…