Category: Syndication
Who subscribes to RFB
Dave Winer’s OPML commons for sharing RSS subscription lists has a feature you can use to see who is subscribing to a given feed (limited by who is participating and who has made their subscriptions visible to others). For example, here are some of the people who subscribe to Radio Free Blogistan’s RSS feed.
Not all RSS users welcome
Dave Winer has started a Yahoo group (mailing list) for RSS users. He’s moderating it, which is a good idea given the personality-flames that otherwise accrue in online discussions surrounding Dave and the formats he has championed. As I am a user of RSS and a contributor to Lockergonegnome’s RSS Resourse (as well as maintaining…
Rebranding RSS and syndication
Your grandmother doesn’t do HTTP and she doesn’t know from XHTML. You didn’t buy her a computer so she could access SMTP and IMAP and POP. No, it took words like internet, web, and e-mail to help people who hadn’t been reading William Gibson make sense of this strange new world. Bloggers and people who…
If you don't have a feed, you're not in my blogroll
I’ve been having a devil of a time getting Radio to update the relevant include, so I finally did it manually, and now my blogroll is synchronized with my actual current syndicated-feed subscription list (at least within a few days). I’m using NetNewsWire as my newsfeed client (and for manually posting links and quotations to…
AmphetaDesk-to-MT hack details
Ask and ye shall receive (thank you, o lazyweb): Andrew Bayer provides the first draft of his AmphetaDesk-to-MT hack in a post responding to my previous entry (which he, yes, saw in his aggregrator and cross-posted to his blog). I think the blockquoting convention Andrew added is an improvement! I wish Radio used something similar…
Hooking up AmphetaDesk to Movable Type
Salon blogger Andrew Bayer has recently migrated his weblog from Radio to Movable Type, which lacks a built-in posting aggregrator. To remedy this, he has figured out a way to hook up Amphetadesk to MT. Very nice. Andrew, did you have to hack AmphetaDesk or MT or both? Either way, please share what you’ve learned…