Category: Weblog Concepts

  • Collaborative Internet marketing blog

    Elizabeth Spiers writes For Marketing Junkies: Rick, Robert, Olivier, John, and Steve just started a collaborative Internet marketing blog. I’m not sure what that is, but I’m keen to find out.

  • 'Revenge of the Blog' conference at Yale

    Scot Hacker reminds me of the upcoming (November 22) blog conference at Yale: Revenge of the BlogFriday, November 22, 2002Yale Law SchoolNew Haven, Connecticut Presented byInformation Society ProjectFREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Keynote Speaker12:30Glenn Reynolds — Instapundit Panel 1: Law and Blawgs1:30Denise Howell — Bag and BaggageJenny Levine — The Shifted LibrarianSeth Schoen —…

  • Blogger API 2.0 developer preview 'in a few weeks'

    Steve Jenson from Blogger is the new moderator of the BloggerDev mailing list. He says he is implementing Blogger API 2.0 and expects to have a developer preview “in a few weeks.” He told me, “I don’t think I’ll be answering any questions about it until I’m ready to release the preview. Before I do…

  • Running two multiauthor blogs with Radio

    I guess I’ve decided that I will add to my multiuser blog tool setttings the Salon blogs categories from other Salon bloggers I’ve subscribed to. This means that at first everything that comes in from any source, by me or by anyone else will first show up in my x-syndicate channel. My discretion will come…

  • Falling behind the pace of events

    In the last week I’ve been spending most of my energy on my work project and the rest mainly on trying to have a life. In the meantime, I’ve seen all kinds of juicy blog-related topics come and go without my taking the opportunity to comment on them. This isn’t really a problem for anyone…

  • Blogger site design contest

    Just as Blogger turned to its userbase to supply alternative templates for Blogger blogs, they are now once again running a contest, this time for their upcoming site upgrade. In fact, from the document’s title bar (“Blogger – Template Contest”), I’d say they used the old contest page as a template. Why do Blogger’s design…

  • How to make a category in Radio

    I’ve just posted (in reverse order *phew* so you can read it in the right order) a six-step tutorial explaining to Salon bloggers how to set up a new category in Radio so they can participate in the Salon blogs salon I’m trying to set up. If you change the names of the categories and…

  • Sour grapes from the left wing of the blogosphere

    I wonder if the libertarian-right pundit sector of the blogosphere is to this year’s elections as the dittohead talk-radio shows were to those of 1994? Meanwhile, the gloating and the whining are already running rampant. Tacitus bemoans the sour grapes from the left. As a moderate-leftist who is usually disgusted by the behavior of both…

  • Problem with category not rendering

    I’m having a problem with my fireweaver category not rendering. I’m not sure why this is. When I try to look at the page on the desktop weblog, I get 500 Server Error (“Can

  • My new blogchalking icon

    Finally customized my blogchalking icon. I never liked that spiky haired face as my blogchalking icon. I kind of like the tourist icon and the anarchy one is nice for livejournal users (ducking!). But I wanted to make one that kind of resembles me in my sloppy pixelated way. I just grabbed the gif I…

  • Administrivia equivalent of getting new drapes

    I’m going to take the non-blog-focused categories and put them in new clothes, gradually moving their branding away from RFB’s revolutionary vigor toward more appropriate looks and feels. Salonika should look like a Salon blog (and when I get the upstreaming syntax figured out, it should live at, but that’s another matter. Fireweaver will…

  • Best RSS resources?

    This should be an easy one, as I have plenty of bookmarks, but I’d like to throw this question out there: What are the best sources for RSS information online? Here are some dredged quickly out of my browser’s history: WebReference’s Web / Authoring / Languages / XML / RSS page (the best RSS “portal”…

  • Hidden query tip for custom Google search

    Rod Kratochwill read my posts about setting up a Google search for your blog when you don’t command the entire domain name yourself. I had mentioned that my solution does put the and inurl:0001111 queries in the text box on the results page, which could confuse the user or even end up getting deleted,…

  • Finally getting around to learning Radio's outliner

    I’ve never been that happy with my blogrolls. The service is easy enough. Too easy, in a sense, in that it’s undermined my motivation to learn more about the best ways to present links and directory information in this weblog context. Also, it relies on Javascript, which makes the links invisible to some crawlers…

  • Microsoft's killer weblog app?

    Thanks to a tip from Rebecca Blood, I read the article by Anil Dash in his cool new magazine. He writes about MS SharePoint Team Services and its “list” feature, which incorporates most or all of the functionality of weblogs for an intranet environment. I remember when the portal brand of SharePoint was supposed to…

  • Aha! My problem with Trackback pinging solved

    Movable Type releases version 2.51. This is primarily a bug fix release. See the changelog if you have been experiencing a problem with 2.5 and to determine if it was fixed in 2.51. Ben Trott tells me my problem with using a passphrase to ping a blog was due to a bug in 2.5, since…

  • Adding to my 'to review' list

    I got my copy of We Blog from Amazon today, and I received Jesse James Garrett’s The Elements of User Experience, a beautifully designed explication of his seminal model of the same name. For reviewing purposes, though, I’m afraid these go behind my reviews in progress (The Weblog Handbook, We’ve Got Blog, and Essential Blogging.…

  • Three questions about blogs and incoming links

    Question: What are the most popular or best endorsed third-party page-view metering services (such as SiteMeter, etc.)? Question: What are the most popular tools for analyzing real server logs when you have access to them? Question: Where are the key sites to register your blog? I would say Eatonweb, Blogdex, Daypop, maybe Yahoo and the…

  • RadioExPop!

    Last week or so I was complaining about the RadioExpress! bookmarklet, how it doesn’t pop up in a new window, which would let me selectively quote from the source page or view its source (since RE! doesn’t grab raw HTML in IE/Mac, as far as I can tell), and how I lack the basic Javascript…

  • Fried Green al-Qaedas

    While Plan B was getting all the Slashdotting and the Scott Rosenberg shout-outs, Mark Hoback was quietly writing his entire novel, Green, at his Salon blog. So what do you do with a blog novel blog when you’ve finished writing the novel? Apparently you change the name of your blog to something more eye catching…

  • Addicted to Books is moving

    Kevin Holtsberry, who runs the popular Addicted to Blooks blogs, has “decided that it is too much of a pain in the butt to have three blogs.” He is combining his several blogs into his main weblog, Ideas, etc. I hear that. As someone who spawns new blogs at the drop of a hat, my…