Category: Salon Bloggers
This week's Virtual Occaquan
Virtual Occoquan This week’s edition is now posted. Featuring material by Kriselda Jarnsaxa, FIONA, Maxine Lockhart, Jan Haugland, The Raven, Rayne, Daniel Dolinov, Stan Keaton, Robert Crook, Replicator, David Fox, Mark Hoback, Hugh Elliot, VeryModern, and The Barbaric Yawp. Visit today. [Mark Hoback]
Blogging Iraq (and Iran) at Salon
Camille Roy’s Ich Bin Ein Iraqi blog at Salon recounts her memories of a childhood in Iraq and takes on the powers-that-be in their drive to war, past and present. By coincidence, topping the Salon rankings these days is Hilary and Kathy’s Tehran <–> Washington, DC 1970–1973 teen girl blog, featuring a series of letters…
Xtra! Xtra! Read all about it…
[Andrew Bayer] So I’m scrolling down the Salon main page (just renewed my Premium subscription – and why haven’t you? Hmmm…?) when I see something a little different: Salon Blogs Scott Rosenberg Wall Street Journal’s $200,000-a-year spammerPlus: “Xtreme” blogging! [The Raven] Start your own blog | Recently updated blogs Ain’t that something — Scott’s come…
Raven Salondotted
Aha! Salon has stealthily linked to a Salon blogger (besides, or in addition to, Scott Rosenberg) directly on its home page, citing the Raven’s awesome XTREME blogging post. Nice to see a leetle evolution in Salon’s approach to its weird stepchildren.
A Brief Break from all the Heavy News Stuff
Kriselda Jarnsaxa writes: The latest “thing” here at the Salon blogs seems to be interesting Google searches that led to your site. My favourite for today? “pay scales for CIA“. It does make me wondering – in most industries, you can look at how employees in comperable positions in competing companies are paid to determine…
Thanks for the babies!
Tom the Dancing Bug nails the relentless search for the center. [Bite Media]
Simon McGarr on blog categories, identity, and community
When streams become full blogs, whose blogs are they? So here’s a question for you. As I mentioned previously, I am hoping to turn a channel of this blog into an editorial page for If I get the time and teccy know-how together, I’ll make that channel look like the rest of tuppenceworth’s ugly…
Raven says Salon blogs comprise an ezine that's 'ahead of the curve'
Touching on Matt Drudge, Metafilter, Safire’s privacy alarum, the Orwellian “Illuminati Are Watching You” logo of DARPA, Kriselda, Andrew Bayer, Jan Haugland, Raven writes [W]e’re all digging deeper than the standard headlines and ferreting out Things of Exceptional Interest that Might Be Overlooked…. The perspectives expressed here are consistently far more insightful and relevant than…
XTREME Salon blogs!
Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality There’s an odd event to describe — it looked as though the Paulapalooza web site was destined for the dreaded Death Watch, when suddenly, yesterday, they received a multitude of traffic. But they only pulled up three ticks from the abyss, and two of those were mine. What’s up…
Marcus O'Riley renames his column
Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality ‘Tis a sad day’, as Marcus O’Riley would have said, at least he would’ve until we fired his sorry ass. It was not his insufferable rudeness that did him in, nor his propensity at mangling the English language. No, and let this be a lesson to all you young…
Hit Parade
Out of courtesy I won’t name names, but I see one of our own found an interesting way to game the system a bit. First he posts a link to something elsewhere on his page, a “click here” item. Then he goes over to a couple of other high-traffic boards and posts the exact same…
Today's quality tour
Salon Blog Quality Tour for You. – Marcus O’Riley And we’re back at the job of searching out the best bits from Salon’s Blogs for you. Some folks have written to say that Marcus is ignoring many of the best things on Salon, so it might be a good time to note that we try to stay…
Googlebaiting to huge bOObs
Salon Blogs Quality Tour for You Doing me job well tonight, I think. The Barbaric Yawp. I just like saying the name. Everything That Sucks still doesn
Running two multiauthor blogs with Radio
I guess I’ve decided that I will add to my multiuser blog tool setttings the Salon blogs categories from other Salon bloggers I’ve subscribed to. This means that at first everything that comes in from any source, by me or by anyone else will first show up in my x-syndicate channel. My discretion will come…
Falling behind the pace of events
In the last week I’ve been spending most of my energy on my work project and the rest mainly on trying to have a life. In the meantime, I’ve seen all kinds of juicy blog-related topics come and go without my taking the opportunity to comment on them. This isn’t really a problem for anyone…
A hair of the dog…
Salon Blog Quality Tour for You. – Marcus O’Riley Okay, hi, this is Marcus, I begin somewhat sheepishly. Seems I had a bit too much of the devils Pepsi last night, and perhaps bad-mouthed some of the fine writers of the Salon Community a wee bit. Yashouldnablameme. I was talking to Mister Hoback and he…
Virtual Occoquan
Wahoo! Wahoo! The brand spanking new edition of Virtual Occoquan is on-line now. Wahoo! Wahoo! Featuring Rayne, Robert Crook, The Raven, Daniel Dolinov, VeryModern, David Fox, Maxine Locker, Mark Hoback, Replicator, and Stan Keaton!!! Virtual Occoquan
Marcus O'Riley strikes again
[Getting a little behind in Salon Blogs posts from Fried Green al-Qaeda, so forgive this quick catchup. Also, still trying to figure out an easy way to deal with formatting incompatabilities. More on that later in a separate post. –ed.] Salon Blog Quality Tour for You *special KYA top 10 edition. – Marcus O’Riley Good god,…
Design and Style
When I visit other bloghosts, I notice that a lot of the pages have small graphical buttons, usually in the shape of a small post-it note, with the “logo” of the originating page on them. These are cute. At first. Then they get annoying. One thing about Salonblogs is that, being RadioUserland powered, most of…
Mark Hoback call for contributors
Mark is inviting Salon blog writers to contribute to his online publication, The Occoquan Inquirer: Salon Blogs Community Solicitation Dear Readers, Over the past couple of weeks, you have probably seen discussion regarding the creation of a Salon Blogs Community, something beyond what currently exists by virtue of us sharing the same…
Salon Blog Quality Tour for You
Bloody depressing day here in Salonville if you ask me, everybody all worked up about the election and such. Boohoohoo, the Democrats lost, and oh Dear Lord, what will that wily Bush character do now? Buck up people, and look at some of the entertaining things on Salon today. Standing Room Only has a lovely new…