Tag: personal expression platform
Slow blogging ahead, or behind?
Yeah, what she said: FringeHog: In Praise of Slow Blogging. Or is it a he? There’s no byline and several authors for the site. Whatever. Also, should I get an OLPC (one laptop per child) XO laptop in the buy one / donate one program? They look like they might be a great conference tool.…
Can I blog from my iPhone?
Since I started at Yahoo my workaday routine involves riding a shuttle from Oakland to Sunnyvale with a big laptop computer crammed on my lap so I can work, browse the net, or as I’ve been doing lately, blog.
MyBlogLog is looking for a community manager
If you’re an experienced blogger in the Bay Area and would like to work for a cool startup recently acquired by Yahoo!, in Berkeley, then you may want to apply for this new community manager role: The MyBlogLog Blog: Seeking: MyBlogLog uber-user for long-term relationship They seem to grok the Craig Newmark idea that customer…
Pardon our dust
I got tired of the old design and wanted to take advantage of some of the new-er features of the blog software I’m using, so I’ve temporarily redone the design with one of their canned themes. Soon I’ll start tweaking the typography and colors and spacing and such and adding back in some of the…