Category: Radio Free Blogistan
Africa blogging
Over at BuzzMachine, I just noticed, Jeff Jarvis is linking to some blogs from Africa: Africa blogs: Since I’m a blog internationalist, often linking to Iranian, Iraqi, and German blogs, a reporter emailed me this morning asking whether there were blogs from (or about) Africa. I follow a few and I followed the links on…
OK, dude, I set up an RDF (RSS 1.0) full-entry feed featuring just filchyboy’s posts to RFB. I also have begun cleaning up the sidebar, removing some of the old personal weblog affectations, replacing a bunch of the feeds from my outside blogs with feeds from each of our primary blogs, and adding Dave Pollard’s…
Re Blogistan Editorial: Headlines CSS? & RSS for Posters I am concerned though in that you mentioned a CSS way of maintaining classic “headline” style. I am most interested in how to do such a thing. Any pointers? Actually, I’m afraid this is wishful thinking on my part. I’m not aware of any such style…
Migrating from Radio to iBlog
Salon blogger Gnosis has migrated from Radio to iBlog and posted an entry explaining how to manage this migration while remaining part of the Salon blogs community: It took several days longer than I expected, but Gnosis is moved, and I’ve settled down to the sort of code tinkering that’s an ongoing process for me.…
Posting to Movable Type from Radio's outliner
Andrew Grumet explains how to get started with multi-post publishing from Radio to Movable Type. I presume this would work with TypePad as well?
Headlines, why?
Uh, it’s mostly just a stylistic preference I have, but it’s also based on the idea that if we want traditional headline/title style (which is mostly all caps but not so for a small number of short prepositions and other helper words, such as “of,” “and,” “a,” “the,” and so on) or all-caps, or small-caps,…
Category rundown
Here’s a list of the existing categories, with some explanation about their intended purposes or ultimate disposition: Above the Fold This is an obsolete category whose entries are destined to be exported from this blog and imported into my Above the Fold weblog, which is intended as a weekly column on web design and development…
Headline style
Headline style in RFB is sentence capitalization. That is, capitalize the first word of the headline and none others (aside from proper nouns). I have my reasons…
Check, 1, 2
OK, if this works then the password-protected Blogistan Editorial weblog is up and running.
New contributors at RFB
Please join me in welcoming four new contributors to Radio Free Blogistan: Andrew Bayer filchyboy Liza Sabater Rayne Today All have written extensively about weblogging on their own blogs and all have graciously consented to join my newly formed writing staff here at RFB. I’ll post brief bios soon and you can expect to see…
Movable Type growing pains
Scot Hacker reports some scaling problems with Movable Type. He’s noticed that his server is taking longer and longer to rebuild after each new post or comment. The comment problem leads to people double- or triple-posting in frustration. Thus far he’s found an unorthodox solution, but he’s mainly hoping that the speed/efficiency problems are solved…
Six years ago today I started a project of writing something live on the web every day. Back then we called that keeping an online journal or diary. Over time, what I was doing evolved, influenced by the software that started appearing, into something more closely resembling blogging. In fact, Breathing Room was preceded (by…
Song for Ben and Mena
Shannon Campbell wrote a song called Your Own Dot Org for Ben and Mena Trott (the founders of Six Apart) at the behest of Joi Ito. You can download it from Shannon’s site, Pet Rock Star. Here’s the chorus: you’re unbelievably adorably cute benevolent, witty, and brilliant to boot you’re a stupid fool with your…
Bitchy sells
Susan Mernit has an interesting theory about why there are so many more men than women in the lists of most linked-to blogs. Men are more willing, she says, to be opinionated and controversial: Guys rant on about politics, a topic the news junkies love. Women strive to be smart and insightful, but except for…
That's right, the women are smarter
David Weinberger echoes Halley Suitt in asking why there are only three women among the top 100 blogs listed at Blogstreet: Halley wonders why maybe 3 of the top 100 bloggers are women: It’s clear that the top male bloggers are not denying women their blogroll inks, for the most part. It’s clear that the…
Sociotechnical problems to come
Shelley Powers has resurfaced with a photo essay at Burningbird called I Feel Good. She covers a lot of ground, but this prediction jumped out at me: Next year is going to be a very bad year for the Net, and every weblogger, no matter who you’re hosted with, had better be ready to have…
It's a small world 'o crap, after all
My current favorite Salon blog is World o’ Crap. Basically, it’s hilarious. It goes after the righties in power without the usual liberal deference and nuance-balancing. Instead, the author offers a full-throated in-your-face style suitable for radio. Sign her up quick! Here’s what had me laughing just now: When she’s not busy being an action…
'Sushi options' memo frenzy
Back in September, my news aggregator page, Mediajunkie, picked up a link to a Gawker entry on a sushi memo being faxed and emailed around New York. A real-life (or fake?) parody of lawyerly lingo. Over a month later, the tale has made it into the New York Times, leading who knows how many people…
Happy birthday, mamamusings
One of my favorite weblogs is having its first blogiversary today: One year. Four hundred and thirty-nine entries. One thousand, five hundred and forty-six comments. (Thanks for being the first, Joi!) Over fourteen thousand page views per month. An entire world of new friends and colleagues. A changed life…. [mamamusings] Hard to believe Lawley’s only…
That's now monolog
Hey, remember how Radio Free Blogistan used to include other stuff I had blogged elsewhere that wasn’t about blogging too? Well that’s now monolog. When I switched RFB over to a Movable Type backend, I resolved to turn it into a niche-focused blog. Embrace the metablogging, or at least quarantine it off into this one…